Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Thursday, November 18, 2021


I have been avoiding news sites, mostly successfully, for a while now. Life is better without knowing about things I neither care nor can do anything about. The Economist once a week is enough. When I do accidentally dip into NYT or similar, I am reminded that the Bad Guys really are winning and it depresses me to no end.


I've been thinking a lot lately about getting a Leica M10 Monochrom. I know, I know, it's a bad idea. I had the Leica Q2 Monochrom and sold it. But but but! The idea is that if I consider myself a primarily black and white photographer, and I do, there's nothing better than the M10M. Except it's way too expensive for something so limited. Then I had a genius idea. What about an M10-P again? But, and here's the genius part, set up Lightroom to convert raw images to black and white on import! That way I never have to actually see each image in color and decide if I should convert it to black and white. It's darn close to shooting B&W right in the camera. Later, if I do happen to get curious, I can peek at the original color version, just in case. Ha? Ya?


Adding social or collaborative features to an app invariably makes that app worse. (Unless of course that's what the app is for)


I've been writing in my wiki at rudimentarylathe.wiki for over three years. It now contains 2766 "tiddlers". That's the longest I've stuck with any platform in as long as I can remember. I often think about moving to something newer or prettier or whatever, but in short order I'm back in TiddlyWiki. It's comfortable.