Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything


Complete list of all 858 posts
  • Finished Moonbound - July 21, 2024

    I finished reading Robin Sloan's new novel, "Moonbound". …

  • Such a headache - July 20, 2024

    I had a headache from yesterday afternoon until, well, now. …

  • So many blogs. So little to say - July 18, 2024

    I got all fired up about, er, firing up a couple of my stalled blogs. …

  • Sewing classes - July 17, 2024

    I signed up for sewing classes. …

  • Who am I responsible to here? - July 17, 2024

    Whenever I change blogging platforms or domain names or simply post to several places, I feel a twinge of guilt. …

  • That darn pendulum - July 16, 2024

    I can feel the pendulum swinging back toward complexity. …

  • Don't mind me - July 16, 2024

    With any luck, no one will notice this post. …

  • Please stand by - June 25, 2024

    I am going to try limiting myself to one blog/one wiki. …

  • Why is everything awful right now? - June 22, 2024

    Just finished catching up on my RSS/Mastodon/Forum feeds. …

  • I can't find things quickly in Emacs - June 22, 2024

    My wife called from the gym and wanted to know which plumber we'd called to replace our water heater. …

  • How to have one blog? - June 20, 2024

    I still dream of only having one blog. …

  • - June 20, 2024

  • We're moved - June 19, 2024

    I've moved daily.baty.net, a static website generated using Tinderbox, to my new VPS at Hetzner. …

  • Org 9.7 doesn't stick - June 16, 2024

    I keep installing the Org 9.7.x package and Org keeps reverting to 9.6.x. …

  • Deciding - June 16, 2024

    I wonder what it would be like to be someone who simply decides something, then follows through, forever. …

  • All choices all the time - June 15, 2024

    I look around and all I see are choices. …

  • Medium - June 15, 2024

    Have I mentioned that I re-subscribed to Medium? …

  • Keeping up with Kirby - June 15, 2024

    Don't tell anyone, but I've been copying all of the new posts from Baty.net (Ghost) to my old Kirby CMS version of the blog. …

  • The today in wiki idea - June 13, 2024

    Yesterday I included a copy/pasted summary of my wiki notes for the day. …

  • Today in the wiki - June 12, 2024

    Today in the wiki: …

  • AI can have it - June 12, 2024

    If I were to complain about LLMs "stealing" my public writing, I worry that I'd just be wildly over-valuing my words. …

  • PKM is about looking things up - June 11, 2024

    Another from Dave's post. …

  • Dave asks about meditation - June 11, 2024

    Why meditate when you can spend money? -- Dave Rogers …

  • PenPals with Kev Quirk - June 11, 2024

    Kev Quirk and I exchanged emails throughout May as part of his PenPals project. …

  • The Lure - June 11, 2024

    I rewatch "The Lure" every so often when I feel the need for a Polish mermaid-stripper-horror-musical-comedy.…

  • Unnecessary Metadata - June 11, 2024

    I'm starting to think that I've wasted way too much time wrangling with the metadata/properties around my notes. …

  • Apple Keynotes ruin the internet - June 11, 2024

    As if there's not enough noise about Apple in my feeds, WWDC makes it all so much worse. …

  • Bo Burnham on having an audience - June 11, 2024

    > I know very little about anything. …

  • Ghost tweaking - May 31, 2024

    I'm not even supposed to be here today. …

  • It's all just toys - May 28, 2024

    Obsidian is a toy for notes. …

  • Ghost and my daily notes - May 27, 2024

    Now that I have moved baty.net to Ghost, I no longer have a good place to post daily notes. …

  • Obsidian rabbit holes - May 18, 2024

    I spent an hour this morning working on tweaks to some Obsidian templates. …

  • Self-reference - May 17, 2024

    I write about pens in my notebooks. …

  • I'm tired of all of us - May 16, 2024

    I don't know if where I spend my time online is a bubble or not, but my god we sure do spend our time talking about the same things over and over and over. …

  • So which is it? - May 16, 2024

    Last week we were all bitching about how Google's search results have become terrible. …

  • Howm and Obsidian - May 16, 2024

    What if I put my Howm folder inside my Obsidian vault? …

  • While I'm already arguing with myself - May 15, 2024

    I may as well post something here, too. …

  • My video games - May 7, 2024

    Some people play video games. …

  • Too many photos - May 6, 2024

    I took a digital camera to a family event recently. …

  • Whims - May 5, 2024

    I can never tell if the process or workflow change I'm making is just a whim or an actual long-term improvement. …

  • Accidental Capture One - May 4, 2024

    I accidentally launched Capture One this morning and now I'm screwed. …

  • Downsizing my vault - May 3, 2024

    I'm trying to decide what I want in my Obsidian vault and what can just go into a set of folders somewhere else. …

  • Obsidemacs - May 2, 2024

    I added a keybinding to my Emacs config which maps Command-p to the same thing as M-x (execute-extended-command) so that now Emacs works more like Obsidian. …

  • Kirby timezone - May 2, 2024

    Something that's been bugging me is the time is always wrong when creating new posts on my [Kirby blog](https://baty.net). "now" is several hours into the future, so I've had to adjust it manually each time. …

  • Trying Markdown - May 1, 2024

    Markdown is everywhere. …

  • I prefer daily notes here - May 1, 2024

    I've been in my occasional "consolidate everything" mood, and that includes my blogs, so I've been posting daily notes over on baty.net. …

  • Everywhere - April 27, 2024

    I had an idea today that I wanted to remember, so I wrote it in my notebook. …

  • Removed Reply by Email from RSS - April 26, 2024

    I've decided to remove the Reply by Email link from the RSS feed posts. …

  • Cross-posting to Mastodon from everywhere - April 26, 2024

    I'm trying something. …

  • Hanging out with Kirby - April 25, 2024

    I feel like hanging out over on baty.net. …

  • Down with tech - April 24, 2024

    Dave Rogers mentioned the Nathan Macintosh special, Down with Tech, so I watched it. …

  • New CPAP - April 24, 2024

    I've been using a CPAP machine for nine years. …

  • Obsidian and Emacs - April 23, 2024

    Right now Obsidian and Emacs are in a fight to the death in my head. …

  • Hundreds of Beavers - April 23, 2024

    I should have adored this. …

  • Division of content - April 21, 2024

    Now that I'm tinkering with Obsidian for managing my Blot blog, I'm all excited about writing there, so I'll need to think about how to divide content between there and here. …

  • If you can't say something nice... - April 20, 2024

    I was about to head out of town this morning when I saw Keenan's post about the effort involved when trying to keep up with RSS feeds (among other things). …

  • People don't want PWAs? - April 20, 2024
  • Reading certain headlines makes me want to carve my eyes out with a rusty fork - April 20, 2024

    This one, for example. …

  • Remind and Wyrd - April 19, 2024

    I am unusually excited to have learned that both Remind and Wyrd are actively maintained. …

  • Broadcast News - April 18, 2024

    I thought this was a masterpiece when I first saw it. …

  • Police Story - April 18, 2024

    Jackie Chan does things with his body that are physically impossible. …

  • Berkeley Mono - April 18, 2024

    I bought a new typeface, Berkeley Mono. …

  • Summaries - April 18, 2024

    I develop and print my own film. …

  • Obsidian and Johnny.Decimal - April 17, 2024

    This is not something I planned, but I am in the midst of organizing everything using the Johnny.Decimal system (with some tweaks) and then pointing an Obsidian Vault at it. …

  • 4:23 a.m. - April 16, 2024

    Alice woke up at precisely 3:00 a.m. and was raring to go for a walk. …

  • I want a giant darkroom, but shared with others - April 15, 2024

    I had a thought recently. …

  • Disabled cross posting for now - April 15, 2024

    I eagerly signed up for EchoFeed at launch, thinking it would help with cross posting from my blogs to Mastodon. …

  • Usenet and Gnus - April 15, 2024

    After reading USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix, of course I had to fire up Gnus and start reading news. …

  • Added backlinks to posts - April 14, 2024

    I've added a list of backlinks to each post (if any exist) at the bottom of individual posts. …

  • Blogging and photography analogy - April 14, 2024

    It occurred to me today that there are similarities between blogging and photography when it comes to which tools I choose at a given moment. …

  • Looking for a use case - April 14, 2024

    I have to remind myself how dumb it is to spend time inventing a "use case" for a bit of software, just so I have an excuse to play with it. …

  • Wicked Little Letters - April 14, 2024

    This was a lot of fun, and quite sweet. …

  • Snack Shack - April 13, 2024

    Everyone in this movie annoyed me. …

  • Anatomy of a Fall - April 13, 2024

    I'm kind of over courtroom dramas, but this was better than expected. …

  • Movie templates - April 13, 2024

    I used to record the movies I watched in the same Tinderbox document as this blog, so there was some prior art scattered around for blogging about movies. …

  • LaRoy, Texas - April 13, 2024

    Blood Simpleton …

  • Johnny Decimal and Org-mode - April 13, 2024

    Spent time working through a file reorg. …

  • Kagi rage - April 12, 2024

    I am not about to defend the CEO of Kagi here, but I don't think anyone responding to this Mastodon post actually read the exchange with anything resembling a non-biased attitude. …

  • Update on my Mac issue - April 12, 2024

    Yesterday sucked, computing-wise. …

  • Where's Johnny? - April 11, 2024

    I bought the Johhny.Decimal workbook a few months ago and this morning I couldn't find it. …

  • Fixed a post from 2015 - April 10, 2024

    I just fixed a post on archive.baty.net from 2015. …

  • Not abandoned after all - April 10, 2024

    It's weird that I thought I might be abandoning this blog, in light of my infatuation with Scribbles and Blot. …

  • Job hunt - April 10, 2024

    When I was in my early 20s, I was invited on a deer hunting weekend with friends. …

  • I like the scribbles blog, but - April 9, 2024

    I like my new Scribbles blog well enough. …

  • Avoidance - April 8, 2024

    I'm mostly just avoiding applying for jobs on LinkedIn, which is what I should be doing right now.…

  • Tinderbox and PopClip - April 8, 2024

    Dave has really been going to town with Tinderbox lately. …

  • Eclipse - April 8, 2024

    Today's solar eclipse will reach 94% where I live. …

  • Once in a while - April 8, 2024

    Once in a while it's good to exercise all the blogs, especially this one. …

  • Whatever, Apple - March 22, 2024

    I would rather switch to Windows and Android than read one more word about Apple and the DoJ or EU.…

  • Why blogging is fun - March 22, 2024

    I blog because it's fun. …

  • Had to restart Caddy - March 20, 2024

    Site was down for a few minutes this afternoon. …

  • Quite a ride this week for Tinderbox and daily.baty.net - March 20, 2024

    Monday: Clean up Tinderbox, write some agents and actions to help with getting images into posts. …

  • Easier handling of post images - March 17, 2024

    One point of friction when blogging with static site generators is getting images where they belong. …

  • Exported Medium Posts - March 17, 2024

    I was looking for a post I knew I'd written, and finally found it on Medium. …

  • I'd rather not talk about notes - March 17, 2024

    Last week I found myself, briefly, at a point where I felt like I was done thinking about taking notes and the processes and tools I use to do so. …

  • Tagging things in my Tinderbox Daybook - March 16, 2024

    I don't remember when I actually started keeping a Daybook in Tinderbox, but I first wrote about Tinderbox as a Daybook in 2008. …

  • Flickr 2024 - March 16, 2024

    Well my Flickr Pro subscription automatically renewed yesterday. …

  • Outliners with Notes - March 16, 2024

    There are only 2 software tools I know of that usefully combine an outliner with long-form notes: Tinderbox and Emacs/Org-mode. …

  • Reply by Email in RSS - March 14, 2024

    Dave noticed he hadn't included a "Reply by Email" link in his RSS feed. …

  • Banning TikTok - March 13, 2024

    Prediction: Whomever bans TikTok loses the election.…

  • Global Town Square? - March 13, 2024

    "Global Town Square" my ass. …

  • Tinderbox - March 13, 2024

    I had a nice long discussion with Michael Becker about setting up a blog and using Tinderbox for large projects. …

  • New Mac, who dis? - March 12, 2024

    The new M2 Mac Mini arrived and I've spent the past 12 hours working on getting it configured and it feel like I'm nowhere near complete. …

  • Reel it in a bit - March 1, 2024

    I'm feeling spread too thin, blogging-wise. …

  • Dave, on the Tinderbox meetup - February 28, 2024

    Dave Rogers posted a few notes about the recent Tinderbox meetup about blogging with Tinderbox. …

  • Blogging experiences - February 28, 2024

    It seems I'm still posting on four websites most days. …

  • (Too) Many Places - February 26, 2024

    So let's see, I wanted to write something about the complications caused by using too many different apps, even though many of them spark much joy. …

  • Video: Blogging With Tinderbox meet-up recording - February 25, 2024

    The video from last week's Tinderbox meet-up has been posted. …

  • Joy-sparking software - February 25, 2024

    I wrote a post, "Software that sparks joy". …

  • More than enough camera - February 24, 2024

    I have been carrying the little Ricoh GRII with me everywhere lately instead of the Leica Q2 or even the MP. …

  • Adding search to Jack Baty Daily - February 24, 2024

    After lamenting this morning that I didn't feel like figuring out how to add search to this blog, I've added search to this blog. …

  • Need to search this blog - February 24, 2024

    This blog needs a decent search feature. …

  • Tinderbox Meetup - February 23, 2024

    I got to participate in today's Blogging with Tinderbox meetup. …

  • The "Include in RSS" flag - February 23, 2024

    I forgot that I'd added a user attribute here named "IncludeInRSS" which does what it says on the tin. …

  • Tinderbox is feeling lonely this week - February 21, 2024

    I've been neglecting Tinderbox this week, which is a mistake since I'm participating in the Blogging with Tinderbox meetup on Saturday. …

  • No, you host it - February 18, 2024

    Server issues this morning have put me in a "No, you host it!" …

  • jackbaty.com or jack.baty.net - February 18, 2024

    Just for fun, I recently put up a sort of landing page at jackbaty.com. …

  • Why no databases? - February 18, 2024

    I used to love databases. …

  • The problem is having too much time - February 17, 2024

    I'm still not working, meaning I have a lot of time my hands. …

  • Paper - February 17, 2024

    I could easily (easily!) …

  • Software obligations - February 17, 2024

    Why do I feel an obligation to software? …

  • Still considering Flickr - February 17, 2024

    I recently wrote about my upcoming Flickr subscription and whether I would renew after 20 years. …

  • (Yet) another reason I use Tinderbox - February 16, 2024

    Dave Rogers writes about a small update to Tinderbox made recently based on a conversation during a short video call between himself, me, Mark Bernstein (Tinderbox's author), and Michael Becker. …

  • Feeling trapped - February 16, 2024

    It bothers me a little that moving the content here to any other platform would be a large project that I don't want to ever have to tackle. …

  • I'll be over on Baty.net today - February 15, 2024

    I need a change of pace, and I've been overthinking this blog, so I'll be posting over at baty.net today.…

  • Nostalgia - February 14, 2024

    What if it's not just nostalgia? …

  • Liking too many things - February 13, 2024

    I like too many things. …

  • Tinderbox note icons - February 13, 2024

    One of Tinderbox's many little unsung features are the small note icons that appear next to each note. …

  • Is it canon? - February 13, 2024

    I've never been into anything hard enough to argue over what might be canon or not.…

  • Good vs Didn't Like It - February 12, 2024

    When I like something, I tend to say, "It's really good!" …

  • On the fence - February 12, 2024

    I am sitting on the fence between plain text and GUI-licious tools. …

  • Todo: Stop putting todos everywhere - February 11, 2024

    It's nice to have options, but right now I've got todos in Reminders, Things, OmniFocus, Taskwarrior, nb, org-mode, and a paper notebook. …

  • Motivation to photograph - February 10, 2024

    It's not great when one's biggest motivation to make photos is having only a few frames left on the roll.…

  • Sportsball - February 10, 2024

    Proudly bragging that you don't follow sports doesn't make you better than anyone.…

  • Old broken bloggy things - February 9, 2024

    There are many broken images in my blog archives. …

  • Speeding up Tinderbox rendering times - February 9, 2024

    This blog takes about 20 seconds to fully render out of Tinderbox. …

  • Pissing matches - February 9, 2024

    In any extended online pissing match, both sides end up being wrong. …

  • Pick one, for crying out loud - February 9, 2024

    I bet people are thinking, "Geez, Jack, just pick a blog, man!" …

  • Tools that build themselves - February 8, 2024

    My earlier post, It's the tools. …

  • It's the tools. Or is it? - February 8, 2024

    Dave Rogers posted earlier about Blogging with Tinderbox. …

  • Static vs almost static - February 7, 2024

    Here's the thing, the best way to build a website is to publish static HTML files. …

  • Mike Hall on introverted collaboration - February 1, 2024

    Mike Hall: …

  • Modern work - Moving stuff around in databases - February 1, 2024

    This hit: …

  • Tinderbox as a CMS for Kirby? - January 31, 2024

    I had this wild idea. …

  • Broke some things, hang on - January 31, 2024

    I had somehow created the daily posts for the past few days in the outline for November, 2022. …

  • Scanning with Silverfast - January 30, 2024

    Scanning software has to be the most unpleasant genre of software there is. …

  • IncludInRSS - January 30, 2024

    I almost forgot that I'd added a user attribute to my posts in Tinderbox called "IncludeInRSS" and it does exactly what it says. …

  • Three things I no longer need to eat - January 30, 2024

    I've come to realize that I no longer enjoy these three foods: kale, green peppers, and zucchini. …

  • On Paper - January 29, 2024

    I wrote this today: …

  • Mom's 82nd birthday - January 29, 2024

    It's my mom's 82nd birthday today. …

  • Dan Milnor on journaling - January 28, 2024

    Just look at him go. …

  • Imperfections - January 28, 2024

    I like vinyl because it's imperfect. …

  • So much time on so little - January 28, 2024

    I enjoy tinkering with note-taking apps. …

  • Doing nothing - January 28, 2024

    Surprisingly, doing nothing didn’t solve the problem. …

  • A weather icon on daily posts - January 27, 2024

    I have a shell script that grabs weather conditions from weatherapi.com. …

  • In loving memory of the square checkbox - January 27, 2024
  • Revamped styles and markup here - January 26, 2024

    I spent a couple hours this afternoon updating the stylesheets and markup here on the daily blog so that they more closely match those on baty.net. …

  • Apple Noise - January 26, 2024

    One of the most compelling reasons I can think of to move to Linux/Android would be so that I could mute "Apple" on social media and not care about missing anything.…

  • Confronted - January 26, 2024

    So many nerds making such a fuss over Apple's phrase, "...users will be confronted with a list of default browsers..." in their DMA press release. …

  • Four blogs and a wiki - January 26, 2024

    I've had a lot of fun this week dusting off all of my blogs and then combining their RSS feeds into one big noisy MegaFeed for those people crazy enough to follow the firehose of whatever this is. …

  • Point and Click - January 25, 2024

    Some days I feel more pointy-and-clicky than others. …

  • Why I like the Tinderbox blog - January 25, 2024

    So now that I've got a combined RSS feed I feel like I can post any damn place I please 😆. …

  • About that idea of combining RSS feeds - January 24, 2024

    So, remember yesterday when I suggested that If I could combine RSS feeds, I would? …

  • If I could combine RSS feeds - January 23, 2024

    If I could combine RSS feeds for all my sites into a single giant feed, I would do that. …

  • Prose.sh - January 7, 2024

    I don't need a new blogging platform, but if I did, I'd certainly be looking at Prose.sh. …

  • Just for the hell of it - January 6, 2024

    I've got the Kirby-run blog working the way I like it, so there's no immediate danger of changing platforms over there again. …

  • I wish I could make Kirby work like Tinderbox - December 12, 2023

    I'm enjoying using Kirby to run baty.net, but I sure miss the collect-individual-notes-into-a-daily-post that I have built here in Tinderbox.…

  • Kirby - November 28, 2023

    One interesting thing that happened today was that I moved baty.net back over to Kirby CMS. …

  • Positive - November 27, 2023

    It occurred to me that since I've been applying for a few positions recently, I should probably be more positive and helpful around here. …

  • Bitching about WordPress - November 27, 2023

    I've been bitching about WordPress again this morning in posts "Themes" and "A simple WordPress edit?". …

  • Marks - November 26, 2023

    Make marks on things. …

  • Dedication - November 26, 2023

    We attended my grandson's "Dedication" at their church yesterday. …

  • Weather - November 26, 2023

    We didn't get as much snow as was predicted yesterday, which is ok by me since I'm not scheduled to have my snow tires on until Tuesday. …

  • Records - November 25, 2023

    I keep records of myself because no one else will.…

  • Invisible - November 25, 2023

    Reading John P. …

  • Followers - November 24, 2023

    I honestly don't know why anyone follows me here or anywhere online. …

  • Lab Notebooks and Journals - November 24, 2023

    I write two types of non-project notes: personal journals and technical/process logs. …

  • Tinkering or not - November 23, 2023

    One of my dilemmas is that some days I have no interesting in tinkering with anything. …

  • Tabs on Altman - November 22, 2023

    Today in Tabs: …

  • Un-Ghosted - November 22, 2023

    I don't like using Ghost for anything but actually writing posts. …

  • Thanksgiving - November 22, 2023

    It's the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. I'm pretty thankful for just about everything in my life. …

  • Twelve days without Kirby - November 21, 2023

    I stopped using Kirby for my blog 12 days ago and I'm already wondering why I stopped. …

  • Weird Mac problems - November 21, 2023

    Today has been full of odd things happening on my Mac. …

  • Subscribers - November 21, 2023

    Ghost CMS practically forces one to "Build an Audience". …

  • 5 days - November 21, 2023

    After 5 days of breathless speculation and rumor, nothing changed. …

  • Ghosted - November 20, 2023

    Sooooo, I moved baty.net to Ghost CMS this morning. …

  • Using TheBrain again - November 20, 2023

    Using TheBrain again has thrown another wrench in the already clogged gears of my workflow. …

  • Web 1 Land - November 19, 2023

    This looks like a fun project from the .lol folks Web 1 Land. …

  • A couple more sound-smart words I don't need - November 18, 2023

    Two more sound-smart words I don't like: Sublime and Orthogonal.…

  • 3 places - November 17, 2023

    No matter how much I'd like to consolidate all my online stuff, I always seem to end up with three places: this daily blog, my wiki, and my main blog. …

  • DALL-E and your blog - November 17, 2023

    One thing about tools like DALL-E and Midjourney is that now the giant, unnecessary, useless, irrelevant "featured" images on your blog posts are at least more interesting.…

  • Mood afoul - November 17, 2023

    I'm in such a foul mood this morning. …

  • Do something with it - November 16, 2023

    Have you noticed that, with all the tools and workflows I have at my disposal, I don't actually do anything? …

  • Post: Philosophy of Tiddlers - November 15, 2023

    Wrote a post about the value of TiddlyWiki for me: Philosophy of Tiddlers…

  • David Odess R.I.P. - November 14, 2023

    I sent my Hasselblad 500C/M, 80mm Planar lens, and an A12 back to David Odess for a CLA in 2018. …

  • Pick a style - November 14, 2023

    My photographic style could best be described as, "All of them."…

  • Programming - Today In Tabs - November 14, 2023
  • A good morning routine - November 14, 2023

    It's before 6:00 a.m. and already this morning I've: Walked Alice (1 mile). …

  • So many journals - November 13, 2023

    Let's see, so far this morning I've written in the Midori MD Notebook, Hobonichi, Leuchtturm1917, Org-journal, Tinderbox, and here. …

  • Blog.txt - November 12, 2023

    For when I inevitably tire of using WordPress: Blog.txt…

  • JWZ on Oppenheimer - November 12, 2023

    jwz sums up my impression of Oppenheimer perfectly: …

  • AI is a thing. No it's not! - November 11, 2023

    One group desperately wants AI to be A Thing and another group desperately wants it not to be. …

  • Another "Thanks but no thanks" - November 11, 2023

    I'm still looking for a new job. …

  • Declarative filesystem management with Emacs and Org Mode - November 10, 2023

    Well now this is fascinating: …

  • WordPress catch up - November 10, 2023

    I spent this morning dialing in WordPress over on baty.net. …

  • Yeah, so Baty.net is back on WordPress - November 9, 2023

    I got lazy when posting and tweaking and thinking about blogging so Baty.net is back on WordPress. …

  • Here I am - November 9, 2023

    I'm having thoughts of putting daily notes in Tinderbox again. …

  • Focusing a Hasselblad - November 6, 2023

    Focusing a Hasselblad is hard. …

  • Trying something - November 5, 2023

    I need to try a new setup so that I can wean myself off Emacs.  …

  • See you at baty.net - October 6, 2023

    I'll be posting everything, including daily notes, over at baty.net until further notice. …

  • Tinderbox for blogging? - October 6, 2023

    As much as I love Tinderbox, I'm wondering if will continue to make sense long-term as a blogging engine. …

  • A brief regression - October 5, 2023

    I shouldn't admit this, but I'm going to. …

  • In the toilet - October 5, 2023

    The toilet in our upstairs bathroom is leaking. …

  • Orion - October 4, 2023

    I've no use for this, but I want it anyway. …

  • Arc Max - October 4, 2023

    Arc Browser's new Max features are the first examples of AI integration that actually make sense to me. …

  • Thinking of me - October 3, 2023

    I shouldn't spend time worrying about what people think of me. …

  • Film in the tank - October 3, 2023

    I've been clicking things on the computer at random all morning, with nothing to show for it. …

  • Kirby someday maybe - October 3, 2023

    I spent a couple hours learning my way around Kirby CMS and feel that it might make a good base for a new baty.net. …

  • Kirby - October 2, 2023

    Dammit, @Kev! …

  • Near to hand - October 2, 2023

    The useful thing about backlinks for me is not for some sort of "second brain" or for making "serendipitous connections". …

  • Searching the notes - October 1, 2023

    I'm starting to feel the absence of a search feature on this blog. …

  • Yesterday - October 1, 2023

    Yesterday was an interesting day, blogging-wise. …

  • Blot Dropbox failure - September 30, 2023

    Some of the posts in my Blot blog were rendering as empty documents. …

  • Shotgun posting - September 30, 2023

    I'm trying to figure out where I prefer posting stuff and why. …

  • Redumbdancy? - September 29, 2023

    Redumbdancy n. : Writing the same thing in several different places, just in case, because one can't decide which of those places is "correct".…

  • Canceling SmugMug - September 29, 2023

    I've decided I don't get $110/year of value from SmugMug so I've canceled my subscriptions. …

  • Lightroom Classic - September 29, 2023

    I've uninstalled Lightroom Classic. …

  • Walled Garden - September 28, 2023

    The walls of this garden are quite lovely, actually.…

  • Logging film rolls for some reason - September 28, 2023

    Ten years ago I would record the contents and camera/film information for each roll of film onto 3x5 index cards. …

  • Rendering times - September 28, 2023

    It takes Tinderbox around 10 seconds to render this blog. …

  • Capture One - September 28, 2023

    Capture One Pro is adding AI masking, which eliminates (for me) the biggest advantage that Lightroom held. …

  • Breaking News - September 27, 2023

    Almost no one needs "Breaking News!!". …

  • Post: WeatherAPI.com - September 27, 2023

    I wrote a shell script for getting the weather forecast via weatherapi.com: Grab the weather forecast using weatherapi.com…

  • SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE ai IS NULL - September 26, 2023

    I probably shouldn't type this out loud (potential employers please look away), but I don't think I want a job that requires or even involves the use of LLMs in any capacity.…

  • Always on is off - September 26, 2023

    I gave it a couple days, but I've decided I don't like the "Always On" display on my new iPhone. …

  • Reduce - September 26, 2023

    I can't do it. …

  • A couple days up north - September 25, 2023

    I'm near Grayling, MI helping a friend store his boat and take out the dock.. …

  • New phone, who dis? - September 24, 2023

    I bought a new iPhone 15 Pro yesterday, after weeks of convincing myself that I would instead find a refurbished 14 Pro. My current phone was a 12 Mini, which is now three years old. …

  • I lost some edits - September 23, 2023

    I have a history of waffling between using Lightroom Classic and Capture One for editing my RAW photos. …

  • Joan Didion's approach to daily life - September 22, 2023
  • A few from my walk today - September 21, 2023

    I made 10 images during today's walk with the Q2. …

  • I can't have this many blogs - September 21, 2023

    As much as I enjoy using Blot for baty.blog, I can't have this many blogs. …

  • Photography that hurts my eyes - September 21, 2023

    Too many modern photographs hurt my eyes. …

  • Post: notmuch and rss2email - September 20, 2023

    Post: RSS feeds as emails using Notmuch and rss2email (baty.blog and reposted to rudimentarylathe.org)…

  • Messing with email - September 20, 2023

    I've spent too much time farting around with my notmuch config. …

  • Denote Journal Extras - September 19, 2023

    When I first started using Denote, I cobbled together a bunch of borrowed lisp so I could use Denote for daily notes the way I used org-roam. …

  • Post: Easy Mode - September 19, 2023

    Post: It's about what "easy" actually means: I'm in Easy Mode …

  • The Burger King Original Chicken Sandwich - September 19, 2023

    I worked at Burger King for a year in 1983. …

  • Post: Fixing a photo by pretending it's shot on film - September 18, 2023

    Post: Fixing a photo by pretending it’s shot on film…

  • Portrait mode - September 18, 2023

    That's not "portrait" mode. …

  • Out with Obsidian - September 17, 2023

    Obsidian is great, but I don't like it, so I just deleted it. …

  • I don't like the solutions I should use - September 17, 2023

    Obsidian is probably the best solution for taking, keeping, and managing my notes. …

  • daily.baty.net as a hub - September 17, 2023

    I keep posting to multiple places and I can't seem to stop. …

  • Forklift 4 - September 17, 2023

    I use Forklift all day on my Mac. …

  • Baty.blog - September 16, 2023

    I posted to my old Blot blog for no particular reason today. …

  • Files first or notes first? - September 16, 2023

    My struggle with organizing my notes stems from the forced decision to use a file-first or note-first process. …

  • The Power Broker - September 15, 2023

    This book is meant to be placed strategically but casually behind me during Zoom calls. …

  • Mosaic Foods - September 15, 2023

    After a year of Hello Fresh, and before that HomeChef and before that Blue Apron, I'm trying Mosaic Foods. …

  • Toilets - September 14, 2023

    I fixed two toilets today. …

  • Leave it - September 12, 2023

    My goal in life is to decide where something goes and then leave it there.…

  • Accidental JPGs - September 12, 2023

    I had set the Q2 to shoot JPG for some other thing and forgot about it while wandering around by the lake this weekend. …

  • TypeScraps - September 11, 2023

    Apparently I'm the only person without very strong and barely-articulated-but-shouted-loudly opinions about TypeScript.…

  • Do I even need backlinks? - September 11, 2023

    Backlinks are cool, but do I need them? …

  • Theme carousel - September 10, 2023

    I spent a lot of time yesterday on rudimentarylathe.org's Davis theme. …

  • Obsidian vs Org-mode - September 9, 2023

    Good morning! …

  • Google Looker - September 8, 2023

    I've been working on some complex Google Looker queries for a friend's company, and it has reminded me how great SQL actually can be. …

  • Back to Raycast - September 7, 2023

    My experiment with going back to Alfred from (Raycast) lasted less than a week. …

  • WordPress hosting - September 7, 2023

    I spent far too long this morning farting around trying (and failing) to get the Imagick module working on my DigitalOcean WordPress droplet. …

  • On Tools and the Aesthetics of Work - Cal Newport - September 6, 2023
  • Blog analytics - September 5, 2023

    I see a lot of posts along the lines of "I don't want analytics to influence my writing so I don't use them on my blog." …

  • Film photography as late-stage Burning Man - September 5, 2023

  • Whining about Dog Parks - September 5, 2023

    Someone had a bad experience at a dog park so now all dog parks are Bad™. …

  • Never mind the theme thing - September 4, 2023

    So, remember how I liked the Twenty Twelve theme on rudimentarylathe.org? …

  • Ugly is a feature on the lathe - September 4, 2023

    I think what I like about the old-school Twenty Twelve theme I'm using at rudimentarylathe.org is that it tricks me into believing I don't give a shit about tweaking my blog's design and that I just want to write.…

  • Terminal - September 4, 2023

    I've been using the default Terminal app on my Mac rather than Kitty or iTerm. …

  • SL2 Withdrawn - September 3, 2023

    After a week of no reasonable offers for the Leica SL2, I've withdrawn it from sale. …

  • Obsidian Publish - September 3, 2023

    I'm playing with Obsidian Publish as a way to publish random notes. …

  • Supermoon - September 1, 2023

    The Super Blue Moon this morning was the brightest I've ever seen. …

  • Less is more - August 31, 2023

    It's interesting how many people buy new devices in "an effort to use my devices less." …

  • Twitter - August 31, 2023

    I haven't visited Twitter in more than a month and I can feel it fading into oblivion, at least for me. …

  • Gutenberg - August 31, 2023

    I thought for sure that I would avoid using the WordPress editor at all costs over at rudimentarylathe.org. …

  • Spark Email - August 31, 2023

    I spent a week using Spark Email instead of Mail.app or Emacs. …

  • Apple Watch - August 30, 2023

    I haven't worn my Apple Watch in weeks and I don't miss it as much as expected. …

  • M11 and JPG - August 30, 2023

    I spoke on the phone last night with a gentleman who went to Spain with a new Leica M11 and 35mm Summilux and shot nothing but JPGs the entire time and was completely happy. …

  • Needing an iPad Pro - August 30, 2023

    I have an iPad Pro setup that I almost never use. …

  • Indiana Jones - August 29, 2023

    My dad and I really enjoyed "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny". …

  • Scattered - August 29, 2023

    Well, it's happened again. …

  • Ruined film - August 28, 2023

    I threw away a few boxes of ruined film and now I want to get rid of everything. https://rudimentarylathe.org/2023/unexpected-side-effects-of-throwing-away-ruined-film/…

  • baty.net - August 28, 2023

    Here's what I'm thinking writ baty.net. …

  • Blogging like it's twenty twelve - August 28, 2023

    I felt like playing with WordPress but didn't want to deal with any content migration so I set one up at rudimentarylathe.org. …

  • FOSS - August 27, 2023

    Good Lord sometimes the FOSS crowd are more annoying the Big Corporate Whatever. https://tenforward.social/@guinan/110935624452199123 …

  • WordPress themes - August 27, 2023

    I still feel this way: …

  • Wordpress.com - August 27, 2023

    Some days I just want to pay WordPress.com and be done with it. …

  • We're back - August 27, 2023

    Storms and a tornado in the area took out our power on Thursday evening. …

  • Toggle Stage Manager with keyboard - August 25, 2023

    Check this out, you can set a keyboard shortcut for toggling Stage Manager. …

  • Notebooks - how it starts vs how it's going - August 25, 2023

    Found some old college notebooks that pretty much demonstrate my process with everything.…

  • AI Cover Letter - August 25, 2023

    Just for kicks, I enabled the AI features in Spark Mail and asked it to write me a cover letter for a Scrum Master position. …

  • Reboot - August 25, 2023

    I woke up this morning feeling like wiping my mac and starting everything completely from scratch and not installing or configuring /anything/. …

  • Spark Email - August 25, 2023

    Dangit, Spark Email was just added to SetApp so now I feel like I should try it. …

  • Engagement - August 25, 2023

    Polls on social media are nothing more than an engagement tactic. …

  • Same photos everywhere - August 25, 2023

    Every photo I see is one of these: …

  • Atoms - August 24, 2023

    The older I get, the more I prefer to move actual atoms around instead.…

  • Supposed to be doing stuff - August 24, 2023

    I spent time this morning blockout out and scheduling my whole day and so far I've done almost none of them. …

  • Google killing reader probably saved RSS - August 23, 2023

    This may be an odd take, but it might be a good thing that Google killed Reader. …

  • Goodbye Carrot, Hello Weather - August 23, 2023

    After several years, I canceled my subscription to Carrot Weather. …

  • Remote? Nope - August 22, 2023

    Here's a take: Some people should absolutely be required to work in the office rather than remotely.…

  • Dictating my feelings - August 22, 2023

    Do I really need to read blogs, watch YouTube videos, or sift through reviews in order to know how I feel about something?…

  • No longer cross-posting to Micro.blog - August 21, 2023

    I'm back in "don't automatically cross-post" land. …

  • A whole fifteen minutes - August 21, 2023

    Most of social media; …

  • Skull cushion - August 20, 2023

    I'm kind of digging the look from underexposed interior shots on expired color film. …

  • Mike's Booty - August 20, 2023

    I sometimes forget that film is expensive. …

  • Obituary for a quiet life - August 19, 2023

    I found this very moving. …

  • Magentaville - August 19, 2023

    I just started scanning a very expired roll of Kodak Gold 400 and I can already see we're headed straight to Magentaville.…

  • Autofocus - August 19, 2023

    Autofocus strikes again.…

  • 2063 lines - August 18, 2023

    I was feeling that my Emacs config was getting a little heavy, so I checked, and at (only?) …

  • Fix for Mu4e error - August 18, 2023

    I finally figured out what was causing my Mu4e troubles. …

  • Smart air freshener - August 18, 2023

    My wife bought a "smart" air freshener and it required an app, which is fine I guess. …

  • Social media platform is your choice - August 17, 2023

    I honestly don't care which social media platform you choose to spend time on. …

  • Post: A new theme for baty.net - August 17, 2023

    Post: A new theme for baty.net …

  • The Leica Q2 (again) - August 17, 2023

    I gave up waiting for a Fuji X100V to show up in stock so I bought a used Leica Q2. …

  • Quote: Failures of Kindness - August 16, 2023

    I moved this to a more prominent place on my bulletin board because me too, George.…

  • Mu4e is broken - August 16, 2023

    Suddenly (well, after a package update), Mu4e has stopped working. "error in process sentinel: mu server process ended with exit code 1". …

  • My photos are shared on Flickr - August 16, 2023

    I canceled my Glass subscription. …

  • Roam Research - August 15, 2023

    Gosh, remember the heady days of using Roam Research for notes? …

  • Lamy 2000 - August 14, 2023

    I love everything about the Lamy 2000 fountain pen, except actually writing with it. …

  • Static? - August 14, 2023

    I sat down at the computer this morning thinking about setting up a WordPress blog again. …

  • NONS Instax back for Hasselblad - August 12, 2023

    I think I'd like to try one of these: NONS Camera Releases Instant Back for Hasselblad using Fujifilm Instax Square Film.…

  • Heroes - August 12, 2023

    My heroes used to be guys like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. …

  • Good morning - August 12, 2023

    Good morning.…

  • Nick Cave on ChatGPT - August 12, 2023

    Nick Cave isn't having any ChatGPT: …

  • Remote - August 12, 2023

    I understand both sides of the work-from-home debate, and there are two sides, but I hate the debate. …

  • Almost interesting - August 12, 2023

    I thought of something interesting to write about while walking with Alice this morning, but I've forgotten what it was. …

  • 10 Reasons Why Flickr is the Best Site on the Internet for Photographers - August 11, 2023

    Petapixel: 10 Reasons Why Flickr is the Best Site on the Internet for Photographers. …

  • org-archive-location - August 9, 2023

    I've never loved the way Org-mode handles archiving subtrees to *_archive files. …

  • Jess and Taylor Swift concerts - August 9, 2023

    My daughter just sent me this text out of the blue and it made me tear up just a little.…

  • A perfectly useless afternoon - August 9, 2023
  • A darkroom is for making things by hand - August 9, 2023

    I have a darkroom because I like to make things with my hands and I'm shit at woodworking.…

  • Nick Offerman on purchasing things - August 9, 2023

    I'm late to Nick Offerman, but the more I learn about him, the more I like him. …

  • Tangible day - August 9, 2023

    Today strikes me as a Tangible Things kind of day. …

  • Should - August 9, 2023

    There are many things I should be doing right now. …

  • Excuses - August 7, 2023

    I wonder how many blog posts about, "Why I quit using [thing]..." are actually (subconscious?) …

  • Sleepy gator - August 7, 2023

    I have mixed feelings about zoos, but I can't help but enjoy seeing cool things like this sleeping 'gator at the Detroit Zoo yesterday.…

  • Oh Emacs - August 7, 2023

    I spent two hours this morning farting around in Emacs fixing Mu4e, tweaking Elfeed, and debugging more crashes. …

  • Too Wes Anderson - August 6, 2023

    I've seen lots of comments about Wes Anderson becoming "too Wes Anderson". …

  • Posting to WordPress from Tinderbox - August 6, 2023

    Well, it looks like I'm going to have to install WordPress again, if only to play with this: Create blog post in Wordpress from tinderbox…

  • Peak Design 6L Sling - August 5, 2023

    This new Peak Design 6L Everyday Sling replaces my older 5L version. …

  • Now Playing - Animals, by Pink Floyd - August 5, 2023

    Now Playing: Pink Floyd, "Animals". …

  • Color film - Steve - August 4, 2023

    I've mostly given up shooting color film. …

  • I couldn't find something again - August 4, 2023

    It took me too long this morning to find a note I knew I'd written. …

  • Light leak - August 4, 2023

    Well it looks like the Stylus Epic has decided to spring quite a light leak. …

  • I'm bored by discussions of AI - August 3, 2023

    It seems that discussions around AI/ChatGPT are either "It's a scam!" …

  • TiddlyPWA - August 2, 2023

    Well now, this looks interesting. …

  • I want a new camera - August 1, 2023

    I have more and better cameras than I could possibly need. …

  • iPhone Photography Awards - August 1, 2023

    The 2023 iPhone Photography Award winners continue to demonstrate that you don't need anything fancy to make great photographs. …

  • More on syndicating posts - August 1, 2023

    After reading Dave Roger's reaction to my post yesterday about not including things by default in my RSS feed, I realized that I'd been unclear. …

  • Fewer of these posts will be included in RSS - July 31, 2023

    I've noticed that by automatically sharing my daily posts via RSS and therefore part of my Micro.blog feed, I've become more aware and self-conscious about writing. …

  • Dave's in a mood - July 31, 2023

    Dave Rogers is in a mood: Things I’m Too Old to Deal With.…

  • Digital fatigue - July 30, 2023

    Speaking of fatigue, I'm wondering if maybe this is all a symptom of some kind of overarching "Digital Fatigue". …

  • Hugo fatigue - July 30, 2023

    I suspect that the reason I've been posting more at daily.baty.net than on my "main" blog is that I have Hugo fatigue. …

  • Generating my own text - July 30, 2023

    I saw this in a Wired article today: …

  • Use what you have - July 30, 2023

    I have this posted above my desk. …

  • Product Manager of Me - July 30, 2023

    Mike Hall, in a post about Micro.blog, referred to what he called a "Product manager of Me" exercise and that phrase made my head spin. …

  • Obsidian Properties - July 29, 2023

    I see that Obsidian is adding Properties. …

  • Talking about social media - July 28, 2023

    There's a thread going on over on Micro.blog that I have thoughts on. …

  • A bad Emacs hair day - July 28, 2023

    A few weeks ago I ditched my Doom Emacs config and built my own from scratch. …

  • New Ember mug - July 28, 2023

    My original Ember mug died last year and I've been dragging my feet on paying for another one. …

  • Arc Browser 1.0 - July 26, 2023

    I see that Arc went 1.0 today and there's no longer a waitlist. …

  • Simon Willison's LLM CLI tool - July 26, 2023

    This LLM CLI tool from Simon Willison is cool. …

  • Looking for an RSS feed aggregator - July 26, 2023

    I would like to combine my various RSS feed into one "Everything" feed. …

  • I'm supposed to build a gate - July 26, 2023

    I would like to build a gate for the deck today but I'm terrible at that kind of thing. …

  • My focus dummy is cooler than me - July 24, 2023

    I shouldn't use a focus/lighting dummy that is more handsome than me, as is the case with Handsome Squidward here. …

  • Day One subscription ending - July 24, 2023

    After a dozen years, I'm letting go of my Day One subscription. …

  • Another botched 4x5 portrait - July 24, 2023

    I have not done a good job with 4x5 film lately. …

  • Changing Emacs key bindings is not trivial - July 23, 2023

    After spending last weekend revamping my (vanilla) Emacs bindings, I'm a little sensitive to the usual advice to "Just change them to whatever you want! …

  • AI-generated art is boring - July 22, 2023

    AI-generated art is a neat trick but it bores the shit out of me. …

  • Nick Cave on notebooks - July 21, 2023

    Nick Cave on his notebooks: …

  • Talking about notes - July 20, 2023

    I'm really tired of talking about my notes and my process surrounding them. …

  • Tinderbox blogging is fun - July 20, 2023

    I'm quite happy with using Tinderbox for publishing these Daily Notes. …

  • Git is there just in case but I never use it - July 19, 2023

    For many years I've kept my notes using plain text files and have always used Git for tracking changes and as a sort of backup. …

  • Going Donald Knuth - July 19, 2023

    Some days I'm tempted to go full-on Donald Knuth, but with social media rather than email: …

  • Judging an app based on Youtube content - July 19, 2023

    I've noticed that my affinity for a piece of software can be predicted based on the Youtube content about it. …

  • Maybe I should use Bear - July 18, 2023

    Now I'm thinking maybe I should use Bear. …

  • Kudos - July 18, 2023

    I've decided to use Vincent Ritter's Tinylytics for stats on the Daily Notes blog, replacing Plausible. …

  • Micro.blog and titles - July 17, 2023

    Micro.blog prefers that short posts do not have titles when pulling them from an RSS feed, but I like having titles when using a "normal" RSS reader, so I made a separate feed just for Micro.blog. …

  • Nice camera, is it an MP? - July 17, 2023

    I was walking by the lakeshore yesterday with a film Leica around my neck. …

  • Working on my digital garden - July 17, 2023

    Who am I kidding? …

  • Added Reply By Email to posts - July 17, 2023

    I've added a link to individual posts for replying by email. …

  • AI and Fan Fiction - July 17, 2023

    Writers of fan fiction are one of the groups complaining that AI is using their work as training. …

  • Bluesky community is unreasonable - July 16, 2023

    There's quite a kerfuffle on Bluesky around the fact that they weren't preventing the creation of inappropriate usernames. …

  • An option for the RSS feed - July 16, 2023

    I've been a little twitchy about sharing everything I post here over to my Micro.blog feed. …

  • Why do I keep forcing myself to care about my iPad? - July 16, 2023

    I've had an iPad since 2010 and I've still never used one for anything other than trivial tasks. …

  • Micro.blog at times - July 15, 2023

    I've restarted my Micro.blog subscription (again). …

  • Speaking of Dave - July 15, 2023

    And speaking of Dave Rogers, he wrote a nice post, addressed to me, about blogging, and linking and using Tinderbox. …

  • A fix for the daily RSS feed - July 15, 2023

    Thanks to a heads up from Dave Rogers, I've cleaned up the RSS feed metadata and fixed the links.…

  • More of the same - July 15, 2023

    An inaugural newsletter arrived in my mailbox this morning, and while it looks to be interesting and well-done, it's just more of the same. …

  • Tinylytics - July 14, 2023

    I've been testing Vincent Ritter's new analytics tool, Tinylytics. …

  • I accidentally plugged in the Synology - July 14, 2023

    Since replacing my Synology with an old Mac Mini, I've been meaning to clean it up and prep it for sale. …

  • Don't chastise me for my software choices - July 14, 2023

    An attribute of software that is more important to me than its open-source status is how badly I'd be chastised if I stop using it.…

  • What happens when this blog breaks? - July 14, 2023

    This blog is built by exporting a Tinderbox document. …

  • Synology -> Mac Mini - July 13, 2023

    I've replaced the big, aging Synology with a $100 Mac Mini (2014). …

  • Goodbye Bluesky - July 13, 2023

    It's a little sad, but I suspect that once Threads adds ActivityPub support and a feed for just followers, Bluesky doesn't stand a chance.…

  • Notetaking apps I've eliminated - July 12, 2023

    Bear, because I don't like being forced to use tags …

  • A change of pace for dailies - July 12, 2023

    When I write more in my daily notes, I don't mind them being part of baty.net so much. …

  • Fed-averse - June 27, 2023

    I care less and less about the "Fediverse" with each passing day. …

  • Tool-sick - June 27, 2023
  • I don't think I like the PaperMod theme - June 18, 2023

    It's happening already. …

  • Pointy-clicky - June 17, 2023

    I've been feeling very pointy-clicky this week and not very wall-of-texty. …

  • Playing with notes - June 17, 2023

    I don't write. …

  • Complexity - June 16, 2023

    Normal Person: “Is there a better way to do the things I need to do?” …

  • I'll Boomer you, young'n - June 15, 2023

    If y’all were born in the 50s or 60s you’d have done things exactly the same as we did. …

  • Even more Mike Hall tweaks - June 15, 2023

    Speaking of Mike Hall, He recently posted about how he’s generating a searchable, static HTML version of his Denote notes so that he can look stuff up while on his phone. …

  • Blot is still down - June 15, 2023

    Blot.im has been down for going on two days now. …

  • Mike Hall's Denote setup - June 15, 2023

    Mike Hall is on a roll with his Denote setup. …

  • Why are we even here today? - June 14, 2023

    I'm not even supposed to be using this blog, but two things happened: …

  • The thing about this Tinderbox blog - June 14, 2023

    The thing I forget about using Tinderbox to generate this blog is that it works exactly how I wish my "real" blog worked. …

  • Icons are missing - June 14, 2023

    For some reason, the 2023 calendar icons for June are missing. …

  • Tinderbox exports - March 24, 2023

    One concern I have with using Tinderbox for blogging is that export times are already becoming noticeably longer. …

  • Still don't like journal posts on WordPress - March 24, 2023

    I still don't enjoy posting my daily notes over on Baty.net's WordPress blog. …

  • 4:54 am - March 22, 2023

    Pssst, I don't enjoy posting my daily notes over at baty.net. …

  • Baty.net/journal - March 18, 2023

    👉 Let's try journaling at Baty.net/journal for a while, shall we? …

  • Keeping up - March 18, 2023

    Some days I wonder if I'm reaching that age where the world is moving faster than I am willing to travel. …

  • The quiet victory of AI - March 17, 2023

    While many wring their hands and whine about the failures of AI, millions are using it every day to do all sorts of useful, real-world tasks. …

  • Remote can be better but - March 17, 2023

    If a company decides that it prefers to have people come into the office to do some or most of their work, that is a reasonable decision to make. …

  • baty.net: Back to Org-roam - March 17, 2023

    Baty.net: Back to Org-roam …

  • Needing AI to happen or not happen - March 17, 2023

    It seems as if everyone is either wildly desperate for AI to succeed or absolutely convinced it will fail. …

  • Chatting to conclusions - March 16, 2023

    I know, I'll run about a dozen queries in ChatGPT and then write about my wide-ranging, conclusive proof of whatever I wanted to be true about it in the first place.…

  • Venn - March 16, 2023

  • Baty.net: Renumbering notes - March 15, 2023

    Baty.net: Renumbering my index cards …

  • The Oscars - March 15, 2023

    I have anxiety around watching people who might suddenly embarrass themselves in front of a crowd, so I am unable to watch awards shows. …

  • Almost back to 11ty - March 15, 2023

    I came this close to moving this blog back to Eleventy. …

  • Gowalla is back - March 9, 2023

    Looks like Gowalla is back. …

  • A man said to the universe - March 9, 2023

  • Baty.net: Roll-103 - March 9, 2023

    Baty.net: Roll-103 (Leica MP/HP5)…

  • Film is not boring - March 9, 2023

    A boring photograph shot on film is less boring. …

  • Tinderbox is clever - March 9, 2023

    Sometimes I'm reading the Tinderbox forums and just have to stop and marvel at how ridiculously clever it can be. …

  • I don't like staples - March 9, 2023

    I like rubber bands, push pins, paper clips, and pencils and paper. …

  • 4:52 am - March 9, 2023

    Our walk this morning was through 4-6" of fresh snow. …

  • 3:19 pm - March 8, 2023

    A roll of 35mm film is in the scanner. …

  • 10:04 am - March 8, 2023

    What if I just automatically add a default title to each post using the current time? …

  • Kevin Kelly's optimism - March 8, 2023

    I used to find Kevin Kelly's relentless optimism to be refreshing. …

  • Variations on a blog - March 8, 2023

    I've written 3 daily notes today, on three different blogs. …

  • Titles are friction - March 8, 2023

    I have Tinderbox configured so that each individual entry here is a new node, where the text becomes the post. …

  • Close, but still Tinderbox - March 7, 2023

    I came close today, once again, to moving this blog back to either Drummer or Eleventy. …

  • More off than on - March 7, 2023

    I am working toward spending more time offline than on. …

  • Org-roam and-or Denote - March 6, 2023

    I'm enjoying one of those days during which I try to decide, once and for all, whether I will be using Denote or Org-roam for my notes. …

  • Limited attention - March 6, 2023

    I don't know how to limit the things I pay attention to. …

  • Baty.net: Arc Boost for Twitter - March 5, 2023

    Baty.net: An Arc browser boost for a better Twitter experience …

  • A cold hard rain - March 5, 2023

    Hard rain mixed with snow during my 3:45 am walk with Alice this morning. …

  • Social media is corrosive - March 4, 2023

    Increasingly, I find that spending time online has a diminishing, corrosive effect on my psyche. …

  • What goes where? - March 4, 2023

    I continue to struggle with deciding what to post here and what to post over on the main blog. …

  • Why Understand when you can believe? - March 4, 2023


  • Doing my things my way - March 4, 2023

    I just want to do the things I'm interested in the way I want to do them. …

  • A fix for Org-roam backlinks - March 4, 2023

    Baty.net: A fix for backlink display with Org-roam and Doom Emacs…

  • Darkness and speed - March 3, 2023


  • Daily posts in Tinderbox - March 3, 2023

    I'm still undecided between Tinderbox and Eleventy for this blog. …

  • Permanent Waves - March 3, 2023


  • AI opinions - March 3, 2023

    Thank god everyone has an uninformed opinion about AI that they just can't wait to publish.…

  • Wrong sizes - March 2, 2023

    I don't read descriptions, I just look at the photos on Amazon and press "Buy Now". …

  • A sense of form and order - March 2, 2023

    I was watching a Nick Cave documentary last night. …

  • Removing analytics - March 2, 2023

    I've removed the (Plausible.io) analytics script from this site. …

  • Mastodon in navigation - March 1, 2023

    I've added a little icon to the navigation which links to my Mastodon profile, like this:

  • LinkedCringe - March 1, 2023
  • The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era - March 1, 2023

    I remain firmly in the camp that thinks SPAs and React were a bad idea: The Great Gaslighting of the JavaScript Era…

  • Baty.net is back on WordPress - March 1, 2023

    baty.net is back on WordPress and I don't want to talk about it. …

  • Where to spend my attention? - March 1, 2023

    I wrote in my other blog this morning: …

  • Here we go again - February 28, 2023

    Here we go again. …

  • Phone calls - February 19, 2023

    Refusing a phone call because, "It's so rude!" …

  • Fighting with Eleventy - February 18, 2023

    You may have noticed that I stopped managing my daily notes blog using Tinderbox because I was first re-living my time with Drummer and then learning to use Eleventy. …

  • Quote: Apathy - February 4, 2023
  • I've never heard of you - February 4, 2023

    I'm most impressed by the people I've never heard of.…

  • Drummer again - February 3, 2023

    Forgive me, but I'm going to try doing this daily blogging thing over at my Drummer blog for a minute. http://oldschool.scripting.com/jackbaty/ …

  • PascalCase for tags on social networks - February 2, 2023

    I didn't realize that screen readers struggle when hashtags are written all lowercase. …

  • Drummer - February 2, 2023

    Dave's blogging tool, Drummer, will be affected by Twitter's pending (free) API shutdown. …

  • Better mood today - February 2, 2023

    I see that I was a little crabby yesterday. …

  • Truck off - February 1, 2023

    I say we start publicly shaming anyone driving a giant-ass truck or SUV that isn't either hauling a load of lumber, pulling a boat, or transporting 6 kids somewhere.…

  • Masto-splaining - February 1, 2023

    I swear if I see one more post explaining why Mastodon isn't Twitter and "That's OK!…

  • Dockhunt - February 1, 2023

    Dockhunt looks cool, but it forces Twitter access so I can't use it. …

  • Ah, WordPress - February 1, 2023

    I was grumbling to myself this morning about how I don't enjoy working in WordPress. …

  • Tired of software - January 31, 2023

    I'm tired of software. …

  • Let's do something else today - January 31, 2023

    I have got to do something other than putz around with Emacs today. …

  • Figured out my Apple Notes ghost problem - January 30, 2023

    Aha! …

  • Well crap, I still have three blogs - January 30, 2023

    I'm happy that I've moved my websites where they belong, but I still haven't solved the problem of Too Many Blogs. …

  • daily.baty.net - January 30, 2023

    As hinted at yesterday, I've moved this blog from baty.blog to daily.baty.net. …

  • Moving to daily.baty.net - January 29, 2023

    I've been wondering if using the domain baty.blog for this website is a little misleading. …

  • The A in AI - January 29, 2023

    The thing I see in AI-generated artwork is the "Artificial" part. …

  • Early Tools for Thought, Mark Bernstein - January 29, 2023

    Compare Tinderbox's author Mark Bernstein's ideas, experience, and history with, for example, some of the #RoamCult folks and it should help determine which tool to invest your time with. …

  • Micro.blog vs Masto.host - January 29, 2023

    I have a subscription for both Micro.blog and Masto.host. …

  • Mastodon is becoming meaner already - January 28, 2023

    I've noticed that my Mastodon feed has become more caustic recently. …

  • I'm not using my Leicas - January 27, 2023

    I have three Leica M cameras and yet I hardly ever leave the house. …

  • Typecasting accessibility - January 27, 2023

    I was all excited about using my Blot blog for "typecast" (scanned, typewritten pages) posts, but I realized that there's no way to do that and also include alt/text for accessibility and that feels wrong.…

  • The letters admitted what they stood for - January 27, 2023
  • Blocks - January 27, 2023

    If "blocks" are the future of the way we experience editing text, you can keep your stupid future.…

  • An AI to detect bitching - January 27, 2023

    I would like some form of AI browser extension that filters my social media feeds and removes every post that's bitching about something.…

  • Short-term thinking - January 26, 2023

    Everything is now about short-term gains and we're all suffering, or will soon be suffering, because of it.…

  • Change to RSS defaults - January 26, 2023

    I've decided to include most of the individual posts here in the allposts.xml RSS feed. …

  • Showing off - January 26, 2023

    I'm starting to think that showing off our over-stuffed boxes of index cards isn't any better than people sharing their over-linked bubble graphs from Obsidian.…

  • WordPress themes - January 25, 2023

    I should learn to create WordPress themes. …

  • Camera vs Books - January 25, 2023

    I often think about selling, say, the Leica MP and buying 100 books of photographs with the money. …

  • YouTube videos are the wrong length - January 25, 2023

    Why is every YouTube video either too long or too short? …

  • Some days - January 25, 2023

    Some days I feel like writing everything where lots of people will see it. …

  • Under-sharing - January 22, 2023

    I can feel the sharing pendulum swinging rapidly back toward under-sharing. …

  • My own instance - January 19, 2023

    After a number of false starts, I went ahead and moved my Mastodon presence to my own instance at baty.social. …

  • Tinderbox map of blog posts - January 18, 2023

    I don't know if anyone else feels this, but I just grabbed a Map view of my blog posts here in Tinderbox and this is what it looked like with no input from me at all. …

  • Evernote in 2023 - January 17, 2023

    I wrote a post about my Evernote 2023 Experiment. …

  • Reading vs Learning - January 16, 2023

    I don't need to

  • Speaking of blogging platforms - January 16, 2023

    I thought I could move the things I post here over to my microblog instead, but I'm finding that I still want to post things publicly that aren't automatically shared on anyone's feed (RSS notwithstanding). …

  • A Dream about HTML - January 16, 2023

    Last night I dreamt that I was giving a presentation in a large auditorium. …

  • Tinderbox as a blogging platform - January 16, 2023

    I'm pretty good at using Tinderbox, so I made this blog with it. …

  • I'm super confused right now - January 15, 2023

    I'm in another one of those moods in which I am nearly catatonic over where to put things, and what to put them there with. …

  • Less fuss equals more fun - January 14, 2023

    The thing that most improved my enjoyment of shooting/developing/printing film was to stop worrying about the details. …

  • Staying here for now - January 14, 2023

    I was considering a move of this blog's domain from baty.blog to daily.baty.net (which means it would replace the Hugo-based blog already there). …

  • AI Yawn - January 14, 2023

    I have yet to muster any interest in AI-generated artwork. …

  • References don't make you smarter - January 14, 2023

    I've been reading a lot of online articles recently about all sorts of different topics. …

  • Stop reading the news - January 14, 2023
  • Stop taking notes - January 12, 2023

    I'm doing this again: My new note-taking system: Don’t take notes.…

  • I hesitate - January 12, 2023

    I happily blurt out whatever I'm thinking about here. …

  • What makes a good microblog is - January 10, 2023

    I keep trying various ways of microblogging. …

  • social.baty.net - January 9, 2023

    I saw that masto.host was once again offering new instances, so I signed up for one. …

  • Scaling Mastodon - January 9, 2023

    Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium | Hazel Weakly Good lord, it’s no wonder I hated hosting my own instance, and I didn’t even need to worry about scaling yet.…

  • Fewer tools would be easier - January 9, 2023

    I don’t know what’s happening, but after spending too much time yesterday figuring out some export codes in my Tinderbox-driven blog, I started wondering if it makes sense to focus on fewer tools. …

  • Old Man Yells at Cloud - January 9, 2023

    It's not just me, then: Old Man Yells at Cloud…

  • Health logging... - January 8, 2023

    I know, I said I was tired of talking about taking notes, but... …

  • Talking about taking notes - January 8, 2023

    I'm so tired of talking about note-taking. …

  • Calendar icons for daily notes - January 8, 2023

    Just for giggles, I've added calendar icons for each day's post. …

  • Capture One Pro subscription - January 8, 2023

    After recently being absolutely certain I was going to be using Lightroom Classic from now on, I deleted Capture One Pro from my Mac. …

  • Instead of tinkering with my photo library - January 7, 2023

    You know, maybe instead of spending all day dicking around with my photo library, I should go out and take more photos.…

  • Going strapless - January 6, 2023

    I've decided that I hate camera straps and so I'm going to start carrying a bag with strapless cameras instead. …

  • Emacs all the time - January 6, 2023

    I spent a lot of time yesterday tweaking the way I use Emacs and Org-mode because of course I did. …

  • How every photo can end up - January 4, 2023

    This is how every photo ends up when someone has too much time and a copy of Photoshop. …

  • Playing with notes instead of using them - January 4, 2023

    I've noticed that the most significant disadvantage of digital note-taking tools is that I'm continuously playing with my notes rather than using them. …

  • Roll-based photography - January 4, 2023

    I notice that I've been posting photos based on the roll number. …

  • Teaching machines - January 3, 2023

    I'm not sure how I feel about this future of ours in which most of what we do involves teaching machines to do things for us. …

  • Is AI stupid? - January 2, 2023

    Many criticisms of AI complain that "AI doesn't know how to handle words that mean more than one thing" or "It's wrong about this specific topic I'm an expert in." …

  • Paper makes me happier - January 1, 2023

    Whenever I spend time using paper for doing something useful, my brain feels better.…

  • Recap - January 1, 2023

    I would recap all of my "most popular" content from 2022 but no one needs to go through all that again.…

  • Not enough good photos - January 1, 2023

    I'm having a bit of a "losing my religion" moment around shooting film. …

  • Deleted Capture One - January 1, 2023

    I've deleted Capture One Pro from my machine. …

  • Here we go - December 31, 2022

    It's a new year. …

  • A lighter side of life - picture essay - December 30, 2022
  • Recommending books by hand - December 29, 2022

    If you write why you loved a book on a hand-written card beneath the book on a shelf in your bookstore I will buy that book.…

  • The joy of not knowing - December 29, 2022

    Can you imagine the luxury of not having any idea what's going on? …

  • I love software - December 28, 2022

    I'm typing this in Tinderbox, one of my favorite apps. …

  • Obsidian for a minute - December 27, 2022

    I spent yesterday in Obsidian again. …

  • New Time Machine backup - December 26, 2022

    I'm trying to run a Time Machine backup but my new hard drive randomly unmounts itself. …

  • Tonality - December 25, 2022

    The only time I use the word "tonality" is while looking at photos made with a 4x5 film camera. …

  • Proficiency is spread too thin - December 25, 2022

    Reducing the number of apps I use regularly is a good plan. …

  • A simulation of itself - December 25, 2022
  • Ignoring Linux - December 25, 2022

    Nearly every day I have thoughts about switching to Linux. …

  • I am a terrible writer - December 25, 2022

    I'm pretty bad at writing. …

  • I can't do only Mastodon - December 24, 2022

    I spent a few days posting my little quips and quotes on a self-hosted GoToSocial instance, thinking it could replace this blog. …

  • Do I even need this? - December 22, 2022

    Do I need this .blog? …

  • Attention - December 21, 2022

    I have no control over my own attention.…

  • My fediverse address - December 21, 2022

    I've been thinking about whether I should change my "official" fediverse address to @jack@social.baty.net. …

  • Film frustrations - December 20, 2022

    I'm frustrated with film photography. …

  • Ricoh is making a new film camera - December 19, 2022

    It's happening! …

  • Watching Twitter die - December 18, 2022

    I don't find it funny or otherwise amusing watching what's happening with/to/on Twitter. …

  • Dialing in WordPress - December 17, 2022

    I've been tweaking things in the theme I'm using on baty.net and it's getting to a point where I don't hate it. …

  • Petulant man-baby - December 17, 2022

    He's a petulant child. …

  • It's the pause that makes the difference - December 16, 2022

    Digital notes are more efficient to search, faster to write, and simpler to correct and distribute. …

  • Still considering Hugo vs WordPress - December 16, 2022

    I spent a lot of time yesterday futzing with my various blogs. …

  • Raycast stats - December 15, 2022

    My Raycast Stats for past year: …

  • Dammit Alex - December 15, 2022

    Crap, I've been chatting with Alex this morning about blogs, tooling, curiosity, etc. and now I want to bring back my Hugo blog.…

  • The Luddite Club - December 14, 2022

    Halfway through the NYT's "‘Luddite’ Teens Don’t Want Your Likes" I forgot I wasn't reading an Onion article.…

  • Org is easier than Word? - December 14, 2022
  • This blog is my favorite - December 14, 2022

    Over the past few months, I've blogged using TiddlyWiki, Tinderbox, Hugo, Ghost, and WordPress. …

  • Convenience and meaning - December 14, 2022
  • In the cold December rain - December 13, 2022

    Up at 3:30 am with Alice. …

  • Nothing about AI Tools - December 13, 2022

    I have nothing useful to say about ChatGPT, DALL-E, or other AI tools.…

  • Tinderbox 9.5 - December 13, 2022

    Eastgate has released a nice update to Tinderbox. …

  • Melancholy - December 13, 2022

    I think my mood this morning could best be described by the word "melancholy". …

  • MailMate fatigue - December 12, 2022

    I love MailMate, I really do. …

  • Powerlessness as morality - December 12, 2022
  • I'm not sure it's toxic, Bob. - December 12, 2022

    The word "toxic" is overused…

  • Don't keep everything - December 12, 2022

    The best way to handle organizing my digital archives is to not save so much stuff in the first place.…

  • Where did my edits go? - December 12, 2022

    A few months ago, someone wrote me and asked if I would link from one of my blog posts to one of their articles. …

  • Why here and not Mastodon? - December 10, 2022

    Most of the things I write here are simple one or two-sentence posts that could more easily be posted to Mastodon or Micro.blog or whatever. …

  • Canvassing for nought - December 10, 2022

    My god, can you imagine the number of hours people are wasting on Obsidian's new Canvas thing?…

  • I can't believe I changed baty.net again - December 10, 2022

    Remember that time I promised myself I wouldn't change the platform behind baty.net ever again? …

  • Readwise Reader - December 9, 2022

    I was admitted to the Readwise Reader beta this morning. …

  • I feel better today - December 9, 2022

    Yesterday I was a little grumpy, sorry. …

  • DHH is almost always wrong - December 8, 2022

    For the record, and this will not make me many friends, but I agree with Basecamp's decision a year ago to ban political discourse at work. …

  • The return of pipe guy - December 8, 2022

    Post: The return of my "Pipe Guy" avatar…

  • Caddy to Go - December 8, 2022

    90% of the internet could run happily with Caddy reverse proxying to a Go binary that uses SQLite for storage. …

  • Anti-social media - December 8, 2022

    The best part about a site like this one is that it's "anti-social media". …

  • Is this a microblog? - December 7, 2022

    So this site is kind of a microblog, right? …

  • Head in sand - December 7, 2022

    One nice side effect of not following every trail of outrage I see on social media is that now maybe I'll be able to order a Raspberry Pi and get it in a reasonable amount of time.…

  • I'm not using Docker - December 7, 2022

    I may be the only one left, but I hate that I have to use Docker for things that absolutely shouldn't require that entire goddamned stack. …

  • Baty.net is now running WordPress - December 6, 2022

    I've moved baty.net back to WordPress. …

  • Tinderbox subscription - December 5, 2022

    Once every year, around this time, I open a Tinderbox document and find that my license has expired. …

  • Why are we still here - December 4, 2022

    I'm not sure why I'm still posting here. …

  • Intellectual honesty - December 1, 2022

    “Intellectual Honesty” is too often a cover for cruelty.…

  • Creatively barren - December 1, 2022

    Am I really so creatively barren that I can’t even think of interesting AI prompts?…

  • Yes, it's the same as the other blog - November 30, 2022

    I know, I've posted the same stuff here today as I have on baty.net. …

  • My first real AI moment - November 30, 2022

    I’m a latecomer to AI, but I just had my first real AI revelation moment while using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. …

  • Done with digital scanning - November 30, 2022

    I’m giving up on scanning film with a digital camera. …

  • I always come back to Emacs - November 30, 2022

    There are times I grow weary of using Emacs (and any plain text) and start looking at prettier, pointy-clickier alternatives. …

  • Remember NFTs? - November 28, 2022
  • Taking control away from apps - November 28, 2022

    I'm having one of those days where I want to burn my whole process to the ground and start over. …

  • Markdown is for travellers - November 28, 2022

    Markdown is great for people who can't stick with a single editor.…

  • Not much going on here - November 27, 2022

    Sorry it's been quiet here. …

  • Linux is better for... - November 22, 2022
  • Doing the old things - November 22, 2022

    Can you imagine how good I'd be at the old things if I would stop constantly moving to the new things?…

  • Points and clicks - November 22, 2022

    I'm feeling rather pointy-clicky today. …

  • Weary of debugging - November 22, 2022

    Do you ever tire of things breaking for no obvious reason and then having to debug them for hours? …

  • But which one? - November 21, 2022

    If I'm going to only have one blog, which should it be? …

  • I still want just the one blog - November 18, 2022

    I continue struggling with the decision between keeping separate blogs or putting everything in one place. …

  • My unused DEVONthink library - November 17, 2022

    I have thousands of saved PDFs and web pages in my DEVONthink "Library" database and I never look at or use any of them. …

  • AI images everywhere - November 17, 2022
  • Fewer apps - November 17, 2022

    I'm in that mood again where I want to use as few apps as possible to run things around here. …

  • Mastodon gatekeeping - November 17, 2022

    I have mixed feelings about all the gatekeeping going on by Mastodon "old-timers". …

  • A change to allposts.xml RSS feed - November 16, 2022

    I'm using Tinderbox to generate this website, so RSS feeds are not a gimme. …

  • Seeking refuge in paper notebooks - November 16, 2022

    When I grow frustrated with indecision around my note-taking process, I seek refuge in paper notebooks. …

  • Obsidian doesn't click with me - November 16, 2022

    I keep trying to enjoy using Obsidian, but I still don't like using Obsidian. …

  • Too many blogs - November 16, 2022

    It's Thursday, November 17, 2022, and I still have too many blogs.…

  • Blanding - November 15, 2022

    "Blanding": Why everything looks the same…

  • The value of unread books - November 15, 2022
  • Obsidian Publish - November 15, 2022

    I would be tempted to use Obsidian Publish but at $20/month I feel it's wildly over-priced.…

  • Artemis - November 15, 2022

    I've been a fan and proponent of NASA since I was a kid. …

  • Here we go again - November 15, 2022

    Well, here we go again, I guess. …

  • Owning the libs - November 14, 2022
  • Chesterton fence - November 14, 2022

    I hope this will be my one and only comment around recent developments at Twitter …

  • Leica people are nuts - November 14, 2022

    I don't know how much more I can take from Leica people. …

  • My dog likes to get up at 3:15 am - November 14, 2022

    Alice has always been an early riser. …

  • We interrupt this contact printing session... - November 13, 2022

    I had intended to try and avoid being distracted from my goal of printing every missing contact sheet. …

  • Printing contact sheets from the archives - November 13, 2022

    I have decided I am going to go back through my film archives and print all missing contact sheets. …

  • No more social.baty.net - November 13, 2022

    I killed my Mastodon instance. …

  • Is a coat of paint enough? - November 13, 2022

    I recently moved baty.net to a nicer, well-maintained Hugo theme (Congo). …

  • The Main Blog race is a dead heat - November 7, 2022

    The race for "Main Blog" is neck and neck between baty.blog and baty.net. …

  • Hookmark - November 7, 2022

    I was glad to see Hookmark is now included with my SetApp subscription. …

  • Pointy-clicky today - November 7, 2022

    I'm feeling rather pointy-clicky today. …

  • Election day - November 7, 2022

    It's mid-term election day and I would be lying if I didn't say I was mildly terrified. …

  • Arthur Perret on looking at tools first - November 6, 2022
  • Democracy - November 6, 2022

    Mondays are for thinking about how I'm going to improve the situation for myself, family, and friends. …

  • @ftrain@tilde.zone - November 6, 2022

    Paul's dipping his feet in Mastodon. @ftrain@tilde.zone. …

  • AI and Curation - November 6, 2022

    Will AI relieve us of the necessity to curate our digital stuff? …

  • I'm coming to you from Tinderbox - November 6, 2022

    I'm coming to you from Tinderbox today, still, and somewhat surprisingly. …

  • Good morning - November 6, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Markdown and Org-mode - November 6, 2022

    Markdown may be better supported, but Org-mode is simply better.…

  • Mastodon tipping point - November 6, 2022

    I don't know if what's happening with Twitter and on Mastodon will be some sort of tipping point, but it feels real this time. …

  • Too much time - November 5, 2022

    I sometimes wish that I didn't have enough time to post here so much. …

  • Tinderbox glitch - November 5, 2022

    I experience a small glitch when rendering the site this morning after installing the latest Tinderbox beta. …

  • The blogging platform carousel - November 5, 2022

    Just when I thought I had settled on platforms and themes and content for my blog, I've somehow managed to end up once again fractured and confused.…

  • But it isn't Emacs - November 4, 2022

    I quite like how this Tinderbox-generated blog works. …

  • Hugo options are tempting - November 3, 2022

    I was tinkering with 2 of my Hugo-based blogs this afternoon and loving it. …

  • Use it or lose it - November 3, 2022

    I once again have accumulated too many blogs. …

  • The risk of unusual blogging tools - November 3, 2022

    I am enjoying the process of running this blog using Tinderbox, but I worry about it not being portable. …

  • M.O.B.I.U.S. BBS - November 2, 2022

    Back in the early 1990s I started a BBS. …

  • Imaginary photo album - November 2, 2022

    Can you imagine how fun it would be to suddenly discover some unknown photo album with all the photos you'd never taken but should have? …

  • Warzel on social media - November 2, 2022
  • Good morning, November - November 2, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • The best way to lose something - October 31, 2022

    The best way to lose something is to first over-think where to put it.…

  • Web Development - October 31, 2022

    I believe web development has become mired in such complexity as to render it untenable. …

  • Hero images turn me off - October 31, 2022

    I was trying to find some information about my favorite new browser and clicked a link to an article that looked like this... …

  • Data entry with Tana - October 31, 2022

    Using Tana can feel like data entry, and that's not how I want to write or take notes.…

  • Missing the boat - October 31, 2022

    I keep wondering if I've missed yet another boat with AI and ML. …

  • Namelix - October 31, 2022

    This is fun. …

  • Not thinking about Tools For Thought - October 31, 2022

    I'm pretty much done thinking about "tools for thought". …

  • Every app a todo app - October 31, 2022

    I wish every app wasn't trying to be a fully-formed todo app. …

  • TikTact - October 30, 2022

    I find it rather easy to not use TikTok.…

  • Emacs vs everything - October 30, 2022

    When faced with the choice between Obsidian and Logseq, I always seem to choose Emacs.…

  • More Twitter? - October 29, 2022

    I'm very tempted to not admit this, but I have this weird feeling that I'm more likely to use Twitter post-Musk than pre-Musk. …

  • Some Elite iPad Usage - October 29, 2022

    This makes me want to spend the weekend with my iPad …

  • Mastodon gatekeeping - October 29, 2022

    I'm seeing lots of long-time Mastodon users trying to "guide" recent Twitter refugees on the proper way to use Mastodon. …

  • Twitter drama - October 29, 2022

    The drama around Twitter only matters for people who care about the drama around Twitter. …

  • Obsidian for now - October 27, 2022

    I have decided that I am going to give Obsidian a bit more time. …

  • What about Tana - October 26, 2022

    But what about Tana? …

  • Emacs is always there - October 26, 2022

    My experiment with Obsidian has been more successful than expected. …

  • I'm in a mood this morning - October 25, 2022

    Some days I want to just withdraw from every online service, subscription, and community. …

  • Film prices - October 24, 2022

    10 rolls of HP5 from B&H runs nearly $100. …

  • Curio began 20 years ago - October 24, 2022

    Development of the amazing Curio app began Twenty years ago. …

  • Happy to be at baty.blog - October 24, 2022

    I'm happy to be blogging again using Tinderbox. …

  • Featured images - October 24, 2022

    I've added the ability to include a "featured" image at the top of each daily container. …

  • Taylor Pearson on reading ROI - October 24, 2022
  • Good morning - October 24, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • All movies now - October 23, 2022

    So I guess every movie from now on has to be either a horror movie or "based on the graphic novel..."?…

  • On obsidian graphs - October 23, 2022
  • Indexing Obsidian in DEVONthink - October 23, 2022

    I'm indexing my test Obsidian vault in DEVONthink. …

  • Writing a blog using Tinderbox - October 23, 2022

    I've always like working in Tinderbox, because it can be anything. …

  • Low energy tech dropouts - October 23, 2022
  • Tinderbox bug in the beta - October 22, 2022

    It looks like I'm fighting a small Tinderbox bug in the most recent beta. …

  • I don't want another blog - October 22, 2022

    I don't want another blog, but I seem have one anyway. …

  • Ralph Fiennes - October 22, 2022

    His name is Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes? …

  • What about Tana? - October 22, 2022

    I believe that Tana is the next evolutionary jump in the world of note-taking tools. …

  • Good morning - October 22, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • I really want the new Leica M6 - October 21, 2022

    Wow. …

  • Who loves Tinderbox? I do! - October 14, 2022

    Tinderbox is such a deep, rich, powerful bit of software. …

  • Personal Knowledge Management is Exhausting - October 11, 2022

    I've been testing the hot new Tana app for the past week, and I'm exhausted. …

  • Speaking of where I like to write - March 5, 2022

    And speaking of "writing where you like to write", I like to write just about everywhere, depending on my mood. …

  • Write where you like to write - March 5, 2022

    WordPress is fine. …

  • Good morning - March 5, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Plain text files - March 4, 2022

    I wrote a little about plain text files …

  • notes.baty.net - March 4, 2022

    I keep telling myself I'm never again going to change the domain name on an establishes website. …

  • What if I used Tinderbox to generate Hugo-compatible Markdown files? - March 4, 2022

    I'm still thinking about this. …

  • This could almost be a microblog - February 27, 2022

    I canceled my Micro.blog subscription today. …

  • Good morning - February 27, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Part of me still wants this - February 26, 2022

    Part me still wants to be here. …

  • Good morning - February 19, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Hi - February 18, 2022

    Hi there. …

  • Am I bored yet? - February 3, 2022

    My wife asked me if I was getting bored with not working. …

  • Ping - February 3, 2022

    👋 …

  • Good morning - January 17, 2022

    I recently wondered How long before I am back in Emacs. …

  • Engage! - January 16, 2022

    It's so prevalent that it mostly goes unnoticed, but the entire internet is a cacophony of people and companies yelling, "Please engage with me!"…

  • Wireless things stop working - January 16, 2022

    Wireless things always stop working eventually.…

  • What do I get in return for taking notes? - January 16, 2022

    What do I get in return for all the time and thought I put into taking notes? …

  • Good morning - January 16, 2022

    It's 4:15 am and I'm pretty sure I'm not getting enough sleep.…

  • A deliberate lack of rigor - January 15, 2022

    I'm learning that I avoid anything that requires a significant amount of rigor. …

  • Vehicles for creativity - January 15, 2022

    I am surrounded by creative vehicles: Cameras, film, paint supplies, drawing tools, notebooks, pens, a darkroom, typewriters, and so on. …

  • Sensor cleaning - January 15, 2022

    I recently (accidentally) spit on my SL2-S's sensor while trying to blow some dust off it. …

  • Two hours a day? - January 15, 2022

    What would I do with my time if I only allowed myself two hours at the computer each day? …

  • Using what I have - January 15, 2022

    After spending a week getting this Tinderbox-generated blog configured just so, I started tinkering with Emacs and ox-hugo again yesterday. …

  • Good morning - January 15, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • We cannot know what motivates others - January 15, 2022

    A frequent mistake we make is to believe that we can know the intentions of others.…

  • Org-roam's future - January 14, 2022

    This is how I like software to be built: …

  • From Readwise to org-roam-node-random - January 14, 2022

    Yesterday, I canceled my Readwise subscription because, although it's cool, I wasn't getting much tangible value from it. …

  • Good morning - January 14, 2022

    Good morning, we're halfway through January already. …

  • Paul Ford's Grand Unified Theory of Buying Stuff - January 13, 2022

    Paul Ford continues to write wonderful things that I love. …

  • Anyone - January 13, 2022

    You know that pretty much anyone can get a Substack, right?…

  • Charge me more for software but less for services - January 13, 2022

    I would like pricing pressure for software to go up, but for subscriptions to go down. …

  • Trying to cancel subscriptions - January 13, 2022

    Suffering a serious bout of Subscription Fatigue today, so I decided to cancel all non-critical subscriptions. …

  • DHH is off the rails - January 13, 2022

    DHH is off the rails and, in his latest, reveals with his "both sides" argument that he doesn't understand science either. …

  • It's settled then - January 13, 2022

    After Reviewing my current blogging options, I've gone with "B", with a twist. …

  • Reviewing my current blogging options - January 13, 2022

    I'm already not digging my crosspost-everything-to-copingmechanism idea. …

  • Just scroll past it - January 13, 2022

    Occasionally, the internet becomes littered with some latest fad, meme, or topic. …

  • I've tweaked a few layout things - January 13, 2022

    I've tweaked the design here just a little. …

  • Checking in after a couple months of blogging with Tinderbox - January 13, 2022

    Early last November, in Welcome back, I guess, I wrote this: …

  • How long before I am back in Emacs - January 12, 2022

    I wonder how long it'll be before I'm back to daily blogging with Hugo and Emacs. …

  • Good morning - January 12, 2022

    Hi there. …

  • Too much venting and not enough inventing - January 11, 2022
  • Khoi Vinh has questionable taste in movies - January 11, 2022

    Each month I look forward to Khoi Vinh's summary of movies he watched the previous month. …

  • Prefixing post titles - January 11, 2022
  • I wish more people would blog like me - January 11, 2022

    I wish more people blogged like me. …

  • Blood pressure - January 11, 2022

    Took my blood pressure this morning. …

  • Good morning. What should we do today? - January 11, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Dave Winer invested in Logseq - January 10, 2022

    I see that Dave Winer has a small financial stake in Logseq. …

  • You're going to laugh - January 10, 2022

    Ok, so after implementing my new idea of consolidating posts via RSS over at copingmechanism.com, I've decided that this blog can once again live at daily.baty.net. …

  • Combining RSS feeds for everything - January 10, 2022

    There is an ongoing conflict between my love of trying new blogging/publishing tools and the idea of having One True Blog™. …

  • New blogging engine fatigue - January 10, 2022

    I'm definitely experiencing Tinderbox Fatigue this morning. …

  • Good morning, January 11, 2022 - January 10, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • My basement "studio" - January 9, 2022

  • The Leica MP is heading to New Jersey - January 9, 2022

    The rewind knob on my Leica MP is difficult to turn when film is loaded. …

  • Good morning - January 9, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • Renewed my Micro.blog subscription - January 8, 2022

    I've renewed my subscription to Micro.blog at times, so I guess that helps answer the question Should I crosspost to Micro.blog? …

  • Quote: Having Read - January 8, 2022
  • Should I crosspost to Micro.blog? - January 8, 2022

    I find myself missing Micro.blog at times. …

  • This blog is fragile - January 8, 2022

    I came a hair's breadth this morning from moving this blog back to org-mode and Hugo. …

  • Programming note: We're now officially at baty.blog - January 8, 2022

    I'd never intended for the new daily notes site to live at daily.baty.net. …

  • Leica M11 Specs - January 7, 2022

    Given that the spec sheet of the new Leica M11 has been leaked a week early, I thought I'd check out the Leica forums. …

  • New RSS feed for all posts - January 7, 2022

    I built this site's RSS feed so that it only includes the big daily posts, one per day, but that post is appended to throughout the day. …

  • I fixed the URLs in the RSS feed - January 7, 2022

    The URLs in this site's RSS feed were broken, sorry. …

  • Moxie's first impressions of Web3 - January 7, 2022

    What a great post by Moxie Marlinspike. …

  • Shooting film when I'm in the mood - January 7, 2022

    Over the past several years, my interest in shooting film has regularly ebbed and flowed. …

  • Stop changing - January 7, 2022

    They say as you get older that you want things to stop changing (Do they say that?) …

  • Some housekeeping - January 6, 2022

    I made some structural and content changes here this morning; …

  • Photo processing workflow update, Jan 2022 - January 6, 2022

    TL;DR: I'm back to a combination of Capture One Pro and Photo Mechanic Plus, with a dash of Apple Photos. …

  • Good morning - January 6, 2022

    Good morning, it's 5:00 am and I'm freezing my nads off. …

  • Quote: Become a cabbage - January 5, 2022
  • Wordle is stupid - January 5, 2022

    Wordle is stupid. …

  • I get bored - January 5, 2022

    I get bored...…

  • 750 Words - January 5, 2022

    Damn you 750 Words for importing my old content into the new site. …

  • Capture One Pro - January 5, 2022

    Yesterday, at about this time, I said that I wanted to move my photo editing back to Capture One Pro. I later spent a few hours doing just that. …

  • Good morning - January 5, 2022

    Good morning, it's 5:45 am. …

  • Talking about social media - January 4, 2022

    I feel it's time for me to stop talking about social media. …

  • Self-portrait - January 4, 2022

    I'm trying to improve my use of lighting. …

  • Quote: Why We Work - January 4, 2022

  • Good morning - January 4, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • But what if I need this when I'm not at a computer? - January 3, 2022

    I see Phil having similar thoughts as me around mobile access to Mac-only information. …

  • Big screens are bad for me - January 3, 2022

    I use a 32-inch monitor on my desk at home and I love it. …

  • Boring solutions - January 3, 2022

    If the solution you've chosen isn't boring you've probably chosen the wrong thing.…

  • Quote: Jarod Lanier on self-esteem - January 3, 2022

  • The Leica Family - January 3, 2022

  • Quote: An unprofessional vagueness - January 3, 2022

  • Meditation and Metta - January 3, 2022

    I have been trying a meditation practice using Sam Harris' "Waking Up" course. …

  • Leica Q2 Monochrom - January 2, 2022

  • Apple Photos vs Lightroom Classic as photo library - January 2, 2022

    I have nearly 100,000 photos in Adobe Lightroom (Classic). …

  • Jack Handy Quote about scotch - January 2, 2022

  • Change to movies listing - January 2, 2022

    I've updated the Movies listing to use a table rather than a list based on each note's $DisplayExpression. …

  • Good morning. - January 2, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • What's up guys... - January 1, 2022

    Whatever I end up doing next, It's not going to be what Eric Floberg is making excellent fun of in this video: …

  • I still miss the APO Summicron-SL 35 - January 1, 2022

    I took a photo of the dog against a bright background using the Leica SL2-S with the Sigma 24-70 f/2.8. …

  • Thomas Paine quote - January 1, 2022

  • Hobonichi 2022 - January 1, 2022

    I bought my first Hobonichi Techo in 2013, and I've used one every year since. …

  • But is it too complicated? - January 1, 2022

    Publishing this blog using Tinderbox is certainly complex, but is it also too complicated? …

  • Good morning. What kind of day should this be? - January 1, 2022

    Good morning. …

  • NIfty File Lists - December 31, 2021

    Nifty File Lists looks like it could be handy, especially in a Tinderbox context.…

  • Some site changes today - December 31, 2021

    I made a few small changes around here this morning: Don't include partial image paths in templates, Added link to Movie template, and Replaced header background image with primary theme color.…

  • Quote: Riding out the clock - December 31, 2021

    When I think about diving back into the workforce I try to remember that quote.…

  • Good morning, 2022 - December 31, 2021

    Good morning. …

  • My Leica Camera Timeline - December 30, 2021

    I bought my first Leica, an M6 TTL in 2004. …

  • Seeing my notes - December 30, 2021

    While looking up information for creating My Leica Camera Timeline, I ended up in a bunch of old Tinderbox documents, dating back to 2008. …

  • Automattic vs Ghost - it's the attitude - December 30, 2021

    I prefer creating content in Ghost to WordPress. …

  • And that was 2021 - December 30, 2021

    2021 was a year of personal exploration that didn't really end up going anywhere. …

  • Shot 2 rolls of film - December 29, 2021

    I'm reviewing my lens situation. …

  • Yep, still have 2 blogs - December 29, 2021

    I hate the fact that I still have two (active) blogs. …

  • Weight logging with Tinderbox - December 29, 2021

    Note: This was originally posted over at copingmechanism.com but I thought it belonged here instead. …

  • Good morning - December 29, 2021

    Good morning. …

  • Tinderbox or go to a play - December 28, 2021

    Tinderbox is an expensive piece of software, no doubt. …

  • The beginnings of my Tinderbox 2022 Dashboard - December 28, 2021

    I'm rebuilding my Tinderbox "Dashboard" for the new year. …

  • Tinderbox Watch Folders - December 28, 2021

    Tinderbox has a feature that watches a folder in the Finder, Apple Notes, DEVONthink, and even Tot. …

  • Fixed RSS date - December 28, 2021

    I think I've fixed the RSS feed's date. …

  • Today agent in Tinderbox - December 28, 2021

    I have a top-level Agent in my Tinderbox daybook named "Today". …

  • A man and his methods - December 28, 2021

  • Good morning - December 28, 2021

    Year: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ 99% …

  • Reluctant to post in WordPress - December 27, 2021

    It's weird how much I avoid clicking the "New Post" button in WordPress, yet I love just hitting Return and adding to the outline here. …

  • The M10-R has left the building - December 27, 2021

    I've used some version of Leica M camera since 2004. …

  • A Response To "Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?" - HTMx - December 27, 2021
  • Weight logging with Tinderbox – Coping Mechanism - December 27, 2021

    I wrote up how I'm logging my weight in Tinderbox. …

  • Two blogs - December 27, 2021

    Looking over at copingmechanism.com, it's obvious I still have two blogs. …

  • Good Morning - December 27, 2021

    Good morning. …

  • Getting comfy with Tinderbox - December 26, 2021

    This sure is a comfy way to write.…

  • DEVONthink is back - December 26, 2021

    I didn't think I'd want to install DEVONthink on my new Mac. …

  • About that M10-R - December 26, 2021

    I continue to feel that perhaps the Leica M10-R is not the right camera for the way I take photos. …

  • I got to use my new snowblower - December 26, 2021

    It snowed overnight, so I finally got to use my new snowblower. …

  • David Wong Quote - December 26, 2021

  • I want only one blog - December 26, 2021

    I want only one blog. …

  • I like sitting here and writing - December 26, 2021

    At times, I feel embarrassed about sitting here and writing for so long every day. …

  • Dan Brooks on our useless future - December 25, 2021
  • My everyday photos aren't good - December 25, 2021

    I sometimes attend an event and take deliberate photos with a serious camera. …

  • I'm going to close this deal - December 25, 2021
  • Note icons on the archives page - December 25, 2021

    Tinderbox does this cool thing in outlines where the icon changes based on the age and size of each note. …

  • Sage - December 25, 2021

  • Speaking of distractions - December 25, 2021

    This week started out with the intention of building a Rails app, but ended with the creation of an entirely new Tinderbox Daybook and blogging system. …

  • Dave Rogers on distractions - December 25, 2021
  • Testing external images - December 24, 2021

    Bringing the little Polaroid today.…

  • Added a ChangeLog - December 24, 2021

    I've added a ChangeLog to record structural changes I'm making here.…

  • Should this site be at baty.blog? - December 24, 2021

    I'm still working through the differences between this site and the blog at baty.blog. …

  • Trying a new app, /tap - December 24, 2021

    I learned about a new note-taking app, /tap, so of course I gave it a spin. /tap is about creating short, "smart" notes. …

  • It's Christmas - December 24, 2021

    Good morning. …

  • How I feel in the pandemic lately - December 23, 2021

  • Datasette and TiddlyWiki - December 23, 2021

    Woah. …

  • John Gruber Quote - December 23, 2021
  • River - December 23, 2021

    I love this image so much. …

  • David Wong Quote - December 23, 2021

  • We are live! - December 23, 2021

    If you're reading this, the site is now managed using my Tinderbox Daybook document and rendered to static files hosted on my Digital Ocean instance. …

  • Almost done with the rebuild - December 23, 2021

    Good morning, it's 4:26 am. …

  • New note taking tool - /tap - December 22, 2021

    This looks worth a look: https://www.tatatap.com …

  • Caddy Grille - December 22, 2021

    Do cars get any cooler than this? …

  • Again with Tinderbox - December 22, 2021

    Funny that Alex mentions Tinderbox, since I’ve been keeping up with my Tinderbox Daybook for a week or so. …

  • Thinking about cameras - December 22, 2021

    I'm still feeling guilty about buying the M10-R. …

  • Chris Locke (1947–2021) - December 22, 2021

    We lost Chris Locke this week. …

  • Futzing with Roon metadata - December 21, 2021

    For someone who’s recently claimed that “owning” and managing music was no longer interesting, I’m sure spending a lot of time today editing metadata of my local library in Roon.…

  • More project - December 21, 2021

    I’m still planning to spend at least a few hours each day this week on my little Rails project. …

  • Remember this? - December 7, 2021

    Alex reminded me about this blog, so I just had to open Tinderbox and play with it. …

  • Today - November 22, 2021

    There are several ways to approach images in ox-hugo. …

  • I'll come back to this later - November 18, 2021

    I was all over rebuilding this blog yesterday. …

  • I went to a bookstore yesterday - November 18, 2021

    Have you ever been to a bookstore? …

  • About that M10 Monochrom - November 17, 2021

    I've been thinking a lot lately about getting a Leica M10 Monochrom. …

  • No news is good news - November 17, 2021

    I have been avoiding news sites, mostly successfully, for a while now. …

  • Social features - November 17, 2021

    Adding social or collaborative features to an app invariably makes that app worse. …

  • Three years at the Lathe - November 17, 2021

    I've been writing in my wiki at rudimentarylathe.wiki for over three years. …

  • I don't worry too much about "Lock-In" - November 16, 2021

    Phil asks: …

  • This has no title - November 16, 2021

    And what if it worked the same way? …

  • What if I built Drummer out of Tinderbox? - November 16, 2021

    I've been mentally hedging my bets around Drummer and wondering how difficult it would be to morph this Tinderbox-generated blog into something much more Drummer like. …

  • Image Test - November 7, 2021

    If I want a "Featured Image" on a post here, I just paste the URL in the "Image" attribute of the post and the template puts it where it belongs. …

  • It's about where I like to type - November 7, 2021

    For years, I'd tell you that typing in a native Mac app is by far the best way to write anything. …

  • notes.baty.net - November 6, 2021

    I'd long ago abandoned notes.baty.net as a place for this Tinderbox-rendered blog. …

  • Cloudflare web analytics - November 5, 2021

    One thing that attracted me to Cloudflare Pages for static site hosting is they offer built-in traffic analytics. …

  • Welcome back, I guess - November 5, 2021

    If I'm being honest, I'll admit that this is just an excuse to play with some old toys and experiment with new ones. …

  • Blogging with Tinderbox - February 8, 2013

    My interest in blogging varies with my mood. …