Friday, December 24, 2021
Good morning, it's 4:26 am. Day two of the blog/Tinderbox rebuild.

If you're reading this, the site is now managed using my Tinderbox Daybook document and rendered to static files hosted on my Digital Ocean instance. Huzzah! Please let me know if you run into any significant issues. And sorry about any RSS noise this might cause. I haven't decided how much of the old content to bring over.

I love this image so much. It's from a pile of negatives I bought from someone on Craigslist like 15 years ago. The photographer(s) are unknown, but most of the images were taken in and around Grand Rapids, MI sometime during the first couple of decades of the 20th century. Just look at all the fun happening in this image. The kid on the rope swing. The young woman about to dive into the river. The gathering of boys on the bank, watching. The bicycle. I just love it!
I miss this style of UI design very much — not the exact look, per se, but the spirit of emphasizing clarity above all else, where content fields are clearly content fields, input focus is clear, and buttons look like buttons.
Me too, John.
Woah. Totally trying this: Run TiddlyWiki in Datasette and save Tiddlers to a SQLite database.