Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Sunday, January 9, 2022

🌨 Light snow, mist +34°F

Programming note: We're now officially at baty.blog

Programming note: We're now officially at baty.blog

I'd never intended for the new daily notes site to live at daily.baty.net. That was for testing. It stuck around longer than I would have preferred, but I've finally made the move and replaced the Ghost blog with this Tinderbox-managed site at https://baty.blog.

It's being pushed to both the old and new domains for the time being. At some point over the next few days I'll pull the plug on the old domain.


1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die is the perfect guide for those who don’t want to read but who want to have read.

Alan Jacobs The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction


I came a hair's breadth this morning from moving this blog back to org-mode and Hugo. Why? Because I made what I thought was a small, safe change, and broke half the site. Then, I stepped on the "Topics" attribute and lost all of my posts' tags. This whole thing feels a touch fragile, and it made me look longingly at Emacs and my old version of the blog using org-mode and Hugo. Then I remembered how even that sometimes broke for odd reasons, and crawled back into Tinderbox.


Should I crosspost to Micro.blog?

I find myself missing Micro.blog at times. The community there is unmatched by any that I've found elsewhere. I sometimes miss the occasional interaction around my posts.

Living alone on my blog has been a deliberate choice. I wanted to make blogging less performative. After all, I write for myself, first, and if others get something from it, then yay. But that's a side effect.

Except it gets lonely. Not many people actually visit this site. If I'm being honest, I enjoy sharing things. It's nice to be heard, at least a little.

So, yesterday I built a new RSS feed here that I think will work for Micro.blog. Now I just need to decide if and when to turn it on.