Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Sunday, January 16, 2022

☀️ Clear +3°F

Good morning. Stand back, I'm about to make pancakes. While I'm away, here's a photo of G and A.


A frequent mistake we make is to believe that we can know the intentions of others.


After spending a week getting this Tinderbox-generated blog configured just so, I started tinkering with Emacs and ox-hugo again yesterday. Why? I think instead I should use what I have. It's pretty dialed in, so run with it, ok?


What would I do with my time if I only allowed myself two hours at the computer each day? I'm afraid to find out. Or, perhaps more accurately, I'm afraid to try. 

Sensor cleaning

I recently (accidentally) spit on my SL2-S's sensor while trying to blow some dust off it. (Don't do that). The first swab cleaning didn't remove the smudges. I just tried again, and really "dug in there" with the swab. It worked. Whew! That was scary.


I am surrounded by creative vehicles: Cameras, film, paint supplies, drawing tools, notebooks, pens, a darkroom, typewriters, and so on. They all spend most of the time either parked or up on blocks. To continue stretching the metaphor...I should just hop in and drive.


I'm learning that I avoid anything that requires a significant amount of rigor. A deliberate lack of rigor is more my style.