Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Saturday, October 22, 2022

☀️ Clear +59°F

There are so many publications and newsletters that cater to "high powered tech executives" I feel like it's time to start one for "low energy tech dropouts." Let's balance the scales.

Ethan Schoonover, Twitter drama

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Writing a blog using Tinderbox

Writing a blog using Tinderbox

I've always like working in Tinderbox, because it can be anything. The above screenshot is from the Tinderbox document that generates this blog. For managing posts and links and templates, the above layout gives me quick access to everything. When I'm ready to write, it can look like this:

Putting this all together has taken some work, but I've gotten to a point where I can just hit Return, type my post, and choose "Deploy to production" from the Stamps menu. I like it.

On the other hand, it can be a little fragile when I want to tweak something. And with Tinderbox, I always want to tweak something! So I spend a lot of time waffling between using things like Ghost and WordPress that make publishing a blog quite simple and using Tinderbox or Hugo and having complete control around publishing a static website. I guess this is why I still have both.


I'm indexing my test Obsidian vault in DEVONthink. It's reminding me of the advantages that local files in things like in Obsidian offer over remote-first tools like Tana/Roam. The journey continues!


It’s a snake eating it’s tail. People taking notes in their notes apps about content they consume from notes app influencers who teach us how they use their notes app to do the work of making notes app content so people can have cooler notes apps.

@reddit typo180


So I guess every movie from now on has to be either a horror movie or "based on the graphic novel..."?