Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Saturday, November 5, 2022

⛅️ Partly cloudy +65°F

Good morning. It's 5:05 am and it's 65 degrees a week into November. Alice and I had a fine walk this morning.


I'm coming to you from Tinderbox today, still, and somewhat surprisingly. The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of blog shuffling. I changed the theme used for baty.net. I don't know yet if I like it, so that may change again. But then I deleted the Coping Mechanism WordPress instance and moved it to Ghost. Then I deleted rudimentarylathe.org and replaced it with nothing. If I want a newsletter, all of The Lathe posts are still on Substack. So I'm focusing on two places for writing: here at baty.blog for my daily notes such as this, and copingmechanism.com for more creative pursuits like photography.


I think looking at the tool and asking how to use it is twice misguided: it’s the wrong question, and it formulates the problem the wrong way around.

The first question to ask is “what do I want/need to do?”. The second is “what tool can help me?”.

Arthur Perret, The reason you don’t ‘get’ Zettelkasten


Markdown may be better supported, but Org-mode is simply better.


Will AI relieve us of the necessity to curate our digital stuff? I'm thinking it will, but worry that it's making me lazy in the meantime.