Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


It's mid-term election day and I would be lying if I didn't say I was mildly terrified. UPDATE November 14, 2022: It turned out significantly better than expected. Democracy seems to have come through relatively unscathed.


I'm feeling rather pointy-clicky today. On days like today a gravitate toward GUI-heavy apps and a browser. This could explain why I'm typing this in Tinderbox rather than Emacs. But I'm also spending time in Curio and DEVONthink.


I was glad to see Hookmark is now included with my SetApp subscription. I wasn't aware that Hookmark rebranded (from Hook) recently. I think this is a good move.


The race for "Main Blog" is neck and neck between baty.blog and baty.net. In case anyone wants to vote on something other than (I mean in addition to") politics, feel free to let me know your choice.