Sunday, January 15, 2023
Our obsession with being informed makes it hard to think long-term. We spend hours consuming news because we want to be informed. The problem is, the news doesn’t make us informed – quite the opposite. The more news we consume, the more misinformed we become.
Farnam Street, Stop Reading the News
I've been reading a lot of online articles recently about all sorts of different topics. I feel like there's a tendency to include 75 bibliographic references at the bottom, as if that somehow makes the article more authoritative. Perhaps it does, but sometimes it feels like a "Sound Smart" contest.
I have yet to muster any interest in AI-generated artwork. "Prompt writing" is the most useless and least creative form of "creativity" I can imagine.
I was considering a move of this blog's domain from to (which means it would replace the Hugo-based blog already there). I'm not doing that right now, because I'm lazy. Maybe later.
The thing that most improved my enjoyment of shooting/developing/printing film was to stop worrying about the details. The less fussy I am, the more fun I have.