Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Saturday, January 28, 2023

☁️ Overcast +28°F

I would like some form of AI browser extension that filters my social media feeds and removes every post that's bitching about something.


If "blocks" are the future of the way we experience editing text, you can keep your stupid future.


“I began to read just after I was four. The letters on the page suddenly gave in and admitted what they stood for. They obliged me completely and all at once.”

"The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction" by Alan Jacobs

I've been reading a lot more lately and it's been great.


I was all excited about using my Blot blog for "typecast" (scanned, typewritten pages) posts, but I realized that there's no way to do that and also include alt/text for accessibility and that feels wrong.


I have three Leica M cameras and yet I hardly ever leave the house. This fact bothers me to no end even though there are a couple simple, obvious solutions.