Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

🌨 Light snow +12°F

As hinted at yesterday, I've moved this blog from baty.blog to daily.baty.net. It feels like a better fit, since everything here is, well, daily. I'm hoping I can put RSS redirects in place, at least temporarily. So what happened to baty.blog? I put my Blot.im blog there. Confused yet? I am.


I'm happy that I've moved my websites where they belong, but I still haven't solved the problem of Too Many Blogs. Let's see, there's baty.net which is supposed to be my primary/only blog. Then there's baty.blog which is the Blot.im blog that I can't get seem to let go because I like how it works so much. Finally here at daily.baty.net is the blog that should probably be my only blog, because it handles the timeline exactly how I like it. Let's sit on this for a few days and see how it settles in. Good grief.

Figured out my Apple Notes ghost problem

Aha! I was becoming frustrated with Apple Notes because it would spontaneously launch at seemingly random times and I could not figure out what was causing it. It was caused by Tinderbox. Tinderbox can "watch" a folder of notes in Apple Notes and automatically import them. One of my Tinderbox documents was configured with a watch folder so it would cause Notes to launch whenever I opened that document. Phew!