Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Thursday, March 9, 2023

⛅️ Partly cloudy +36°F

I have Tinderbox configured so that each individual entry here is a new node, where the text becomes the post. This means that each node needs a name/title. With short-form posts, like this one, naming them becomes tedious. It's friction I don't enjoy. On the plus side, each node then also stands on its own in, say, the Archives.


I've written 3 daily notes today, on three different blogs. You'd think that I only had two blogs, baty.net and daily.baty.net, but NO!, I have baty.net and three different versions of daily.baty.net that I constantly waffle about.


I used to find Kevin Kelly's relentless optimism to be refreshing. Now, I just think he's delusional.


What if I just automatically add a default title to each post using the current time? Nice to not come up with titles for everything. Then, on the Archives page, I could add an excerpt of the first, say 10 words to the listing. (UPDATE: Done).


A roll of 35mm film is in the scanner. So far, the images from the roll are boring, mediocre snapshots. But, the fact that they are boring, mediocre film snapshots makes them worth the effort.