Thursday, July 13, 2023

This blog is built by exporting a Tinderbox document. Tinderbox is awesome and I've been using it for years, but it's not really meant as a blogging engine, even though it works well as one. One day I'm going to upgrade or accidentally change something and the whole thing is going to go pear-shaped. Do I want to live under the threat of that happening? For now, I do.
An attribute of software that is more important to me than its open-source status is how badly I'd be chastised if I stop using it.
Since replacing my Synology with an old Mac Mini, I've been meaning to clean it up and prep it for sale. Well, I cleaned it up. Then I plugged it in so I could wipe stuff and instead of doing that, I installed a bunch of packages and reconfigured the networking so now I think I'll keep it? I hate myself.
I've been testing Vincent Ritter's new analytics tool, Tinylytics. I've been using Plausible but thought it would be fun to test the new thing. Vincent's always been creative and thoughtful, so I'll probably jump on the early bird special. I'm running it here now.