Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Sunday, July 16, 2023

🌫 Mist +65°F

Writers of fan fiction are one of the groups complaining that AI is using their work as training. That's a little weird because isn't that kind of what Fan Fiction does to the original authors?

Added Reply By Email to posts

I've added a link to individual posts for replying by email. I like getting email from people who visit the blog, so hopefully this will make it easier and encourage more of it.


Who am I kidding? "Working on my Digital Garden" is totally a euphemism for "Futzing around with my notes again instead of actually doing something with them."

Nice camera, is it an MP?

I was walking by the lakeshore yesterday with a film Leica around my neck. A couple walking toward me slowed and the man said, "Nice camera, is it an MP?" and I said, "It is!" and we continued on. I probably should've felt proud that someone noticed and commented on my camera, but instead I felt sheepish and I've been confused about that ever since.


Micro.blog prefers that short posts do not have titles when pulling them from an RSS feed, but I like having titles when using a "normal" RSS reader, so I made a separate feed just for Micro.blog. We're about to see if it works.