Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

🌫 Mist +61°F

There are many things I should be doing right now. There are even things I want to be doing, but I don't feel like doing any of them. I can't seem to shake this lethargy.

Tangible day

Today strikes me as a Tangible Things kind of day. I may need to shut down the computer for a while.


I'm late to Nick Offerman, but the more I learn about him, the more I like him.

We have been tricked into thinking that purchasing things is a creative act.

Nick Offerman, The Creative Independent


I have a darkroom because I like to make things with my hands and I'm shit at woodworking.


If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.

Lin Yutang, "The Importance of Living"

Jess and Taylor Swift concerts

My daughter just sent me this text out of the blue and it made me tear up just a little.


I've never loved the way Org-mode handles archiving subtrees to *_archive files. I should've known there was a simple way to improve it. For me, that's (setq org-archive-location "~/org/archive.org::datetree/"). Now they all go into a tidy datetree in one file.