Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Sunday, September 3, 2023


I've been using the default Terminal app on my Mac rather than Kitty or iTerm. I don't live in a terminal the way I used to and I guess I don't need all the fancy stuff anymore.


I think what I like about the old-school Twenty Twelve theme I'm using at rudimentarylathe.org is that it tricks me into believing I don't give a shit about tweaking my blog's design and that I just want to write.


So, remember how I liked the Twenty Twelve theme on rudimentarylathe.org? Turns out I like the idea of it more than the actual implementation. I found it hard to look at, ya know? For now I've switched to the Davis theme that I used years ago and it's the lightest-weight, easy-to-read theme I know of.