Saturday, January 27, 2024

I've had a lot of fun this week dusting off all of my blogs and then combining their RSS feeds into one big noisy MegaFeed for those people crazy enough to follow the firehose of whatever this is. But I'm already exhausted from it. Thinking about where to write this post was too much work. I'd make a decision and declare the One True Blog if I thought I'd stick with it.
One of the most compelling reasons I can think of to move to Linux/Android would be so that I could mute "Apple" on social media and not care about missing anything.
I spent a couple hours this afternoon updating the stylesheets and markup here on the daily blog so that they more closely match those on If anything looks wonky, maybe force a reload. If that doesn't help, please let me know. I'm terrible at this.

So many nerds making such a fuss over Apple's phrase, "...users will be confronted with a list of default browsers..." in their DMA press release. They seem upset by the word "confronted" because how dare Apple suggest that such an important choice is an unnecessary inconvenience. Except that in the real world, for maybe 99% of iPhone users, it will be an inconvenience, and they'll be annoyed or confused by it. Choice is important, but "Confronted" is not the wrong word here.