Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Partly cloudy 46.0 | Low 34.6, High 51.6
I've been using a CPAP machine for nine years. It's been a life saver. My sleep study recorded more than 40 "events" per hour. It's as if I would stop breathing nearly once every minute. Not great for sleeping. The old machine has been acting up a little and shows a "Motor life exceeded" message when starting up, so I went in today for a new one. Not much has changed. It has a heated hose and "auto-start", but I'm probably not using that. I can manage pushing a button twice a day. The cool thing is that now I have an extra machine for the odd night I end up just sleeping in the basement.
Dave Rogers mentioned the Nathan Macintosh special, Down with Tech, so I watched it. Pretty funny, because I agreed with most of the things he said.