Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I signed up for sewing classes. Six, 3-hour classes. I really only want to learn how to alter t-shirts but we'll be making a pillowcase, apron, and tote bag. Should be interesting.
Who am I responsible to here?

Whenever I change blogging platforms or domain names or simply post to several places, I feel a twinge of guilt. How will my "audience" feel about the changes? Does it confuse things?
I sometimes get comments like, "I have trouble finding things you've written because they're all over the place."
I don't get a lot of traffic, but it's also not zero traffic, so I feel some responsibility. But why? I am not writing for money or influence or popularity. I write to better understand what I'm thinking about, and sometimes share the result. I write so that I have a record of those things. I write, almost entirely, for me.
In that light, I shouldn't worry about whether my RSS feed is consistent or if people need to follow me in too many places. I don't want to be a dick about it, but c'mon, it's an unimportant personal blog by some nobody on the internet. Let's not overthink it.
So, if you're one of the people who actually wants to read the things I write, I apologize for the scattershot way I go about publishing them. But, honestly, I'll probably always be this way.