Sunday, August 4, 2024

I made a template change here so that I can write things during the day that don't have a separate post and aren't included in the RSS feed. I have an attribute for "IncludeInRSS" that I could use, but doing it this way requires less thought and zero logic. I only needed to add the day's Text to the template.

I reached down to take the leash off Alice after our walk this morning and threw my back out so bad that I am having trouble walking or moving much at all. Great.
Update: Dave's doing the right thing. I need to lose at least 25 pounds but I've been doing nothing but adding them instead.

I remain infatuated with SilverBullet for many of my notes. One concern I have is that the forum is full of feature requests for things that would make SilverBullet work "more like Obsidian". That's the opposite of what I want.