Friday, August 9, 2024

It's day 5 after hurting my back and my back still hurts. It's better, but not great. I still have to do some gymnastics in order to stand up after sitting for a while. At least I'm sleeping ok now.

Obsidian is the WordPress of note-taking apps: Ubiquitous, powerful, extensible, complex, free (or not), a bit janky, and with a repetitive community of people seemingly desperate to become influencers. That last part might seem unfair, but I struggle to wade through the fluff while looking for good, honestly helpful information.
I'm kind of tired of blogging today. This has been happening pretty regularly lately.
OK, so Obsidian and I have never gotten along well. I know it's the 800-pound gorilla but it just doesn't click with me for some reason. After using SilverBullet for a while, I think I might know why. It's the file tree and sidebar. SilverBullet doesn't have one (by default) and so I spend no time "organizing" things. I just make a new note and move on. If I hide the sidebar in Obsidian as much as possible, could I make it feel the same?
OMG I'm absolutely catatonic about notes apps again. Playing with software is usually fun, but lately I've grown to loathe all of it.