Daily notes from Jack about everything

Monday, November 11, 2024

Partly cloudy 48.0 | Low 39.9, High 53.4

It occurred to me while I was once again working through issues with having Emacs run smoothly on both my Macs that there are too many things that I have to think about, just to do my thing every day. This isn't only an issue with Emacs, but that's the big one. Sync, packages, Doom issues, configuration options, etc. The place where I take notes should not come with that kind of overhead, is what I'm thinking.


I'm not going to rail against the election here or on the blog. I'm not going to point out all the terrible things that our new asshole-in-chief is going to do. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone who has that covered.

What I am going to do is quietly join CTCT (Citizens To Confound Trump). And if there's no such organization, I'll start one.


There are a million things I could be doing and a thousand things I should be doing. I don't feel like doing any of them.