Thursday, November 14, 2024
I've re-enabled the RSS feed for full daily posts. If you would prefer seeing one post per day rather than each individual note in your reader, the feed is /index.xml. The downside is that I update things throughout the day, so if your RSS reader doesn't look for updates, you could miss some good stuff 😁.
I hate how good Obsidian is at so many things. This would be cool if I enjoyed using Obsidian, but we just don't get along. I don't like how Obsidian feels. Still, I was able to post from Obsidian to Ghost after about five minutes' work.
I'm dizzy. Yesterday I had An urge to combine my Tinderbox files. I played with that for a couple hours. Then I tried making a Tinderbox Stamp for posting to Ghost. It worked, but only partially. Then I posted from Obsidian to Ghost which sent me down my every-six-weeks-or-so Obsidian rabbit hole. It's all fun and interesting and potentially useful. The problem is that I want to try everything at once, but can't.