Saturday, November 16, 2024
...are we just making products? Are we just making an End Result.
Stop it.
Put yourself somewhere safe, turn off all distractions, turn on all stimuli, and just do something with stuff that you like to do.
Jeremy Mann
Jeremy Mann is kind of crazy and amazing. His newsletter is great.
A new Tinderbox "LifeBook" document
I got way back into Tinderbox this week. It's not like I ever actually stop using Tinderbox, (the blog is built using it, for example) but I do get distracted by other tools for a while.
Other than for managing this blog, the Tinderbox document I've used consistently is my "Daybook". I started keeping this Daybook, which is a sort of journal, since before 2008. I wrote a short walkthrough in 2018.
At one point, I tried combining the blog and daybook files, but things got muddled and I lost interest. Eventually, I split them again.
Well, yesterday I started a new Tinderbox document, from scratch, and I (optimistically) named it "LifeBook.tbx".
The plan is to once again keep everything (or mostly everything) in one giant document.
I have structured it so that I write all notes in a single YYYY/MM/DD/Note outline. By default, each note is of type, "Journal". But, I can easily change any note's "Prototype" to something else, so that it behaves differently. For example, I have a "Meal" prototype. I can then collect (using Agents) and analyze my meals over time, without needing to maintain a separate outline just for meals. Same thing with my Weight log or contacts or "permanent" notes. I find that having to "go find" an outline before writing in it often prevents me from bothering to write things. Now, I just hammer away in the day's outline for everything.
Today, I plan to explore the idea of bringing the blog back into this document. The idea is that I can be in the day's outline, write some notes, and by checking a box, that note will automatically be included in this blog. See An urge to combine my Tinderbox files from earlier.
Wouldn't that be neat?