Daily notes from Jack about everything

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Overcast 39.0 | Low 39.9, High 43.2

I love writing in paper notebooks, but at some point there's always a lull. When that happens, there's nothing to click on.


22 Jump Street (2014) ★★★★

22 Jump Street

I get such a kick out of these movies. It's like after the first film someone took a bong hit and said, "Hey guys, want to do it again!?" So they did.


RackNerd had good VPS pricing for Black Friday ($18.00/year for 2.5GB) so I ordered one. Then, while I was sudo this and ssh that, I remembered that I don't enjoy this stuff as much as I used to, so I stopped. I'll finish it later.


If you post "Notes" on Substack, I'll never see them.