Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


For some reason, the 2023 calendar icons for June are missing. I don't know if I should remove them everywhere or just live with broken images for a month.

Update: I reverted to the generic calendar icon for now.


The thing about this Tinderbox blog

The thing about this Tinderbox blog

The thing I forget about using Tinderbox to generate this blog is that it works exactly how I wish my "real" blog worked. There's a single new daily post each day. And within that post are one or more additional posts. Each of them also generates its own individual entry. This way, the Archives listing includes every individual post rather than just a list of dates.

I am also able to include a title if I wish, as I've done with this post.

I've never figured out how to make WordPress or Hugo work this way.


Why are we even here today?

I'm not even supposed to be using this blog, but two things happened:

First, Dave Rogers posted about Tinderbox and TheBrain. I adore both apps, and sometimes need reminding just how fabulous Tinderbox is at, well, nearly everything.

Second, Blot has been down all morning. Another thing I need reminding about is that when relying on others to maintain something, and that something breaks, I'm not in a position to do anything about it. This morning I'm feeling the other edge of that particular sword.

So while waiting for my real blog to come back, I dusted off this blog.