Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

☀️ Clear +59°F
Tinderbox blogging is fun

I'm quite happy with using Tinderbox for publishing these Daily Notes. I've already done the hard part, so now it's as easy as hitting return, typing, and choosing "Deploy to production" from a menu. It's easier than Hugo. If I can avoid tinkering, I should be good for a while. Or at least until I get bored.


I'm really tired of talking about my notes and my process surrounding them. I talk about them because I like to test different approaches and software. It's fun, but it's not because I need fancy notes. 90% of my notes are just for looking stuff up later. I'm keeping this out of the RSS feeds because that way it doesn't count as me talking about my notes.