- 2024-09-12 - Override default search style in Safari
- 2024-08-04 - Changed default font to system
- 2024-04-26 - Removed Reply by Email link from RSS feed
- 2024-04-16 - Added variable for busting CSS cache
- 2024-04-14 - Added backlinks to posts
- 2024-04-13 - Refactored movie template
- 2024-03-13 - Changelog entries no longer link if item text is empty
- 2024-03-13 - Fixed double underline when hovering over note titles
- 2024-02-25 - Improved search results
- 2024-02-24 - Added search features
- 2024-02-09 - Added title attribute to navigation
- 2024-01-31 - Increased font-size of navigation links
- 2024-01-27 - Don't include summary if it starts with an HTML tag
- 2024-01-26 - Revamped all CSS
- 2024-01-26 - Added weather icon
- 2023-11-17 - Cleaned up exports
- 2023-11-09 - Removed Blog nav item
- 2023-09-29 - Added link to RudimentaryLathe.org in nav
- 2023-07-17 - Created separate RSS feed for Micro.blog
- 2023-07-17 - Put Plausible back
- 2023-07-17 - Added Reply By Email to posts
- 2023-07-15 - Cleaned up the daily post RSS feed
- 2023-07-14 - Replaced Plausible with Tinylytics
- 2023-06-14 - Reverted daily calendar icons
- 2023-03-10 - Changed DailyPostContainer to set new notes to pMarkdownPost prototype
- 2023-03-08 - Modified layout of archives to include excerpt
- 2023-03-02 - Removed Plausible analytics
- 2023-03-01 - Add Mastodon to nav
- 2023-03-01 - CSS: Reduce padding in entry headers
- 2023-01-30 - Limit RSS feed to 25 items
- 2023-01-30 - Always show titles in allposts.xml feed
- 2023-01-26 - Changed RSS link in navigation
- 2023-01-08 - Add daily calendar icon
- 2022-12-25 - Topics are summarized on each Day's page
- 2022-12-19 - CSS URL and Copyright dates are dynamic
- 2022-12-18 - Removed bullets from archive list and made note icons transparent
- 2022-11-17 - Fixed main URL in daily RSS feed
- 2022-11-16 - Changed attribute for RSS from Crosspost to IncludeInRSS
- 2022-11-06 - Added navigation for wiki and copingmechanism
- 2022-10-25 - Added ImageCaption to featured image on daily page
- 2022-10-25 - The post size icon calculation
- 2022-10-24 - Added a featured image to daily posts container
- 2022-10-22 - Split blog into separate Tinderbox file
- 2022-03-04 - Fixed RSS feed
- 2022-01-14 - Reduced content width and font size
- 2022-01-14 - Simplified blockquote markup
- 2022-01-13 - Using local copy of pico.css instead of CDN
- 2022-01-13 - Tweaked some CSS
- 2022-01-10 - Changed config and stats back to daily.baty.net
- 2022-01-08 - Added CSS for quotations
- 2022-01-07 - Fixed links in RSS feed
- 2022-01-07 - Modified function for determining size of post
- 2022-01-06 - Changed HTML head partial to use DisplayName for title
- 2022-01-06 - Refactored page html and moved HEAD to an include
- 2022-01-06 - Reduced header height
- 2022-01-02 - Changed icons on archives page
- 2022-01-02 - Added review indicator to movie listing
- 2022-01-02 - Movie list uses a custom template
- 2021-12-31 - Icons are now generated using a function rather than Rule
- 2021-12-31 - Don't include partial image paths in templates
- 2021-12-31 - Added link to Movie template
- 2021-12-31 - Replaced header background image with primary theme color
- 2021-12-29 - Added a basic Google site search page
- 2021-12-28 - Removed calendar emoji from single-day title
- 2021-12-28 - Created a Publish attribute for log items (e.g. Movies)
- 2021-12-28 - Added link to the date page on individual posts
- 2021-12-28 - Fixed RSS feed (added pubDate)
- 2021-12-27 - Reduced overall container width and font sizing
- 2021-12-27 - Reduced margin at bottom of Article Header
- 2021-12-25 - Fixed missing small images in fullpost template
- 2021-12-25 - Fixed image URLs in RSS feed
- 2021-12-25 - Added ChangeLog page and supporting outline
- 2021-12-24 - Added conditional for hiding the post date if it's empty
- 2021-12-23 - Added weather info to daily pages
- 2021-12-23 - Published first edition